Chapter 2

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It was day 1 of trying to find Liz's parents. Amanda was on the phone calling any Nelson last named and Liz was doing research on the family. Of course some people on the phone weren't exactly happy."Hello?" "Hi. This is Amanda. Do you know anyone called Elizabeth Nelson by any chance?" "No. I never heard such a disgusting name. Leave me alone." And they hand up. Mostly that is all Amanda has been getting and Liz only found weird people from millions of years ago from the family.

Day 2 was the same but they got some people that were actually very interested in some kind of weird way."Hello?" "Hi. This is Amanda. Do you know by any chance anyone called Elizabeth Nelson?" "I am sorry I don't. But if you can let me her information I will be happy to help you." "No it is ok. Thank you." And they hang up. The day was still long.

As the days go by, Liz started to think that there is no hope on finding them. Amanda got back into the bedroom with her girlfriend crying quietly. Amanda rushed to her girlfriend."Baby? What is wrong?" Amanda sat down beside Liz."Amanda, what if they are not in this world anymore? What if we are to late? And what if they don't want to see me?" Amanda hug Liz while the blond hug back."I am sure that they want to see you, sweetheart. They are probably still here. I am sure they are. You just need to have a bit of fate in yourself, alright?" Liz nodded.

"How about some hot chocolate to make you feel better? Or peppermint hot chocolate sounds better too?" Amanda wisperd into the smaller one ear, witch made her blush and giggle."Hihi, peppermint sounds great." She gived a kiss To Her loved one and the brunette went out of the room To the kitchen. Amanda always put a special ingrediant in her hot chocolate: a Candy canne! Liz's favorite candy during Christmas time. As she got back in the room, Liz was in her pyjamas and laying under the covers of their bed while watching the news.

Amanda layed down with Liz and gived her hot chocolate."Thank you, baby!" Liz kissed Amanda lovely and took a sip from the drink."Your so welcome, pumpkin'~" Liz Blushes at the name. She loved when Amanda would call her like that. The girls watched TV and relaxed in each other arm while they drink their hot cocoa. IT was very peaceful and calm, witch Liz loves those quite times. Amanda falled asleep on Liz's chest first. She haven't got any sleep since the pass couple of days. Liz played in her hair carefully not To wake her up. After a while, Liz fell asleep with Amanda on her chest breathing heavenly.

Hey guys!
Chapter 2 is out a day early before i Forget To post it tomorrow:3
Chapter 3: October 20th

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