Adepti Reader X Venti

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You are an adepti who has a past with Barbatos. When you lose your memories you meet a bard named Venti. How come he feels so familiar some How?


"Hello? Are you alright traveler?" The voice of a young boy called out.

"Um, hello? hmmm, perhaps I should find some one to help..." the voice called out once again.

The voice seemed familiar, curious as to whom the voice belonged to they opened their eyes. Blinking rapidly, the sun forced them to close their eyes again. After adjusting to the lighting around them, they opened their eyes once more, taking in the sight before them.

A bright blue sky and a large tree hung over their head. The ground was soft, grass, they assumed. Then their eyes landed on a young boy about their age. He stood over them and his eyes widened when he realised they were awake.

"Ah! You're awake at last!." He exclaimed.

Attempting to sit up was a challenge, barely moving seemed impossible with the pain in their abdomen. Reaching to caress the spot, they realised they were wrapped in bandages.

What in the seven Archons had happened?

The boy sat next to them and assisted in helping them sit against the tree. Looking around they tried to figure out where they were, and what had happened prior to their awakening.

"May I ask, who are you?" They spoke with a scratchy throat.

The boys' expression froze for a moment in disbelief before they looked out the field before him.Taking a moment to think what to say. When his gaze returned to (Y/n), he smiled "My name is Venti, the world's best bard!I found you here, injured badly, I bandaged what I could but for some reason you just wouldn't wake up".

Looking around they recognized where they were. The largest tree in Mondstadt, also known as the place Vanessa once ascended to celestia. They weren't far from the city, Yet they had been injured badly enough to not really remember anything.

Venti, as he said his name was, placed a hand on your shoulder. "Do you really not remember anything?" He asked, concerned. In response they shook their head no, yet somth8ng was nagging at the back of their mind, somth8ng they felt was important.

Venti stood up from the ground and outstretched a hand to you. "We aren't far from the city, please, allow me to be your guide" he said with a childish smile and laugh.

Taking his hand, they felt a stange feeling of comfort, familiarity, but still nothing came to mind.

Venti guided them into the city where he took them to multiple places of interest.  First the Catherdral, then the square, he showed them the shops and showed them the adventures guild and where the knights of favovius resided. No matter how many places he seemed to take them however, there just didn't seem to be anything that would trigger their memory.

At the end of the tour Venti took them to the final place on the list, Angels Share. The sun had long set and the stars shone above them. Entering the tavern Venti and (Y/n) had been greeted the by the owner: Diluc.

"Seems the trouble maker Bard and his care taker are here, what can I get you both tonight?" Diluc asked.

Venti spoke first "two glasses of your finest Dandilion Wine please". Diluc nodded and prepared the drinks while Venti and (Y/n) Went upstairs.

After sitting down Venti started a conversation "so you really dont remember anything? At all?" (Y/n) simply shook their head no and slumped in their seat. Venti took a moment to think then snapped his fingers as an Idea came to mind. With a smile on his face he spoke "I have the Perfect Idea! Tomorrow morning meet me out at the bridge. I have somewhere I want to take you!.

They gave him a surprised look. Why was he so determined to help Them? He could have easily just left them when they had gotten to the city. Why go this far?

The next day they waited at the bridge just as Venti had asked them to. When Venti arrived he seemed out of breath "S-sorry I'm late!" He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. Taking their hand he took off in a mad dash "Where are we going?!" They yelled.

Venti just gave a boyish smile and kept running.

After a while the both of them had arrived at storm terror's lair. It would have been somewhat scary if the feeling of familiarity hadnt filled them. The both of them made it to the large dome where you could access the abyss where storm terror resided.

Venti sat at the edge of the dome and beckoned them to sit next to him. Once both of you were comfortable Venti took out his Instrement and began playing a peaceful melody. The melody was so familiar, so comforting. Why was it the Venti had such an air of familiarity to him that is wasn't even funny?

When Venti stopped playing they opened their eyes and looked out at the world. The sky was colored in hues if red, yellow and orange. The sun set in the distance bidding goodbye to another day.

"This is where we had our first kiss..." Venti spoke.

That was all that (Y/n) Needed to hear to trigger their memories. In mere moments they had remembered everything.

Just before they awoke that day they had lost their memories, Venti and (Y/n) had gotten into an argument.

Without noticing the amount of attention it brought to them, enemies began to surround Them both.  In moments, many monsters were on them and the fight began. One after another it didn't seem to end until a scream.

"(Y/N)!" Venti Screamed. Looking over to his lover, they lie bleeding on the floor. With the use of his Gnosis, Venti wiped out the rest of the monsters and ran to his lovers side. That was when everything went black.

Looking over to Venti (Y/n) spoke his name.


Venti's face lit up and he quickly turned his head to Them, jumping on them and hugging them.

"You remember, You remember!" He yelled. Small tears welled in his eyes as he began to profusely apologize. His rambling went on and on until (y/n) rolled their eyes and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

"I forgive You, my dear wind" they spoke.

"And I love You, my Wondeful adepti".

I AM SO SORRY IF HE'S OOC.Been a long time since I wrote this kind of stuff...

Not edited

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