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Empty (/ˈɛm(p)ti/)

1. Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.

2. (of words or a gesture) Lacking meaning or sincerity.
Sometimes I asked myself; What is the purpose of living?
Well y'know..they can simply say "bruh you're just teen there's many more obstacle you'll face."
Tapi tu lah.
I was just wondering about that lol. And I keep on wondering.
Aku tak banyak kawan. And I'm not that easygoing kinda kid unless you're close to me then you know how mad I can be.
Tapi kawan tak banyak pun best jugak. Sebab aku jenis picky. Demanding. Well, I'm kinda searching for 'family members' duh.
And being empty is not because hang tak banyak kawan. Tapi pasal hati.
Seberapa dekat diri hang dengan Tuhan.
Yeah aku mengaku 19 tahun aku hidup, boleh kira berapa kali aku bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada.
Sebab - I live to impress others.
So bila apa yang orang nak tu aku tak dapat, aku down.
And bila benda ni keep on happening over and over again, I asked myself; Why ain't I feel anything about this? Should (or shouldn't) I be happy for this?
Also; Sampai bila nak macam ni?
Sebab apa? Sebab aku tak rasa apa-apa walaupun aku buat apa yang orang nak. Rasa kosong to be exact.
But we're humans after all, we made mistakes. I know I shouldn't do that. I'm supposed to live by my own.
YOLO (You Only Live Once)
Oh ya, of course..kekosongan hati ni related dengan spiritual.
Kena cuba dekatkan diri dengan Tuhan. Kan?
Dan menjawab persoalan awal aku "what is the purpose of living?" ; It's because God loves us.
And He gave us chances everyday to be better (or repent your sins).
I'm writing this for those yang selalu rasa kosong. Rasa down.
And for me too - in case I'll be needing some motivation about life.
Tu jugak tujuan so called sequence ni ditulis. To motivate the author, and the readers of course ^-^
Oh and sorry for the late update. Currently busy making up stuffs.
May you have a great life. Love and live your own life because it's yours, not others.

LIFEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن