"Why are you naked?"

"I am so sorry! I'll just...I'll just go..."

"I'll just wait here..."

"Do I have to?"

"Don't point your wand at me!"

"Exams are going to kill me."

"I don't want to be alone."

"It's not supposed to be easy..."

"Are you proud of me?"

"You're so drunk."

"Please tell me this is a joke!"

"What is that?!"

"We only have one room left for the night..."

"Room service?"

"I can't believe you eat pinapple on pizza...what sort of monster are you?"

"We all fuck up sometimes."

"Sometimes it just all gets to much, y'know?"

"Naps are life, okay?"

"I don't think I could love you anymore than I already do."

"If I marry them?"

"You're my fake husband/wife/spouse, deal with it."

"I kept every letter..."

"You missed the best fight!"

"Do you remember high school? When Lisa McKendrick got pregnant with Rob whatshisface and Maria was sleeping with Rob and her and Lisa got in that fight? That was..."

"I have to live with what i've done."

"I had the weirdest dream...."

"Who did the laundry? My favourite shirt is pink."

"I got you a trophy, it's only plastic, but it's for being the best human I know."

"Another bad date?"

"Someone keeps leaving love notes in my locker and I'm not sure if I should find it endearing or creepy..."

"Hello ms./mr grumpy."

"Do you want to wake them up or..."

"Can we keep them?"

"Look at you!"

"Did you just whistle at me?"

"Remove the hand before I remove it for you."

"I love your voice"

"Put me down! I can walk!"

"I need you..."

"Can...can you come over?"

"Where were you?"

"This is the. Best. Thing. Ever!"

"I mean witchcraft isn't quite hocus-pocus, toil and trouble, type deal y'know? There's some serious work involved!"

"You're the best."

"Can you please stop biting your lip...it's distracting."

"You'd make the best boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/partner"

"Oh who cares what they think!? I want you!"

"Backseats aren't as comfortable as movies make them out to be"

"Can I please see some photos of you when you were younger? How bad could they be?!"

"And i'm dead."

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