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I shut the bathroom door behind me and place my hands on the wooden counter. I peer into the mirror, my figure distraught looking and tired. I looked more pale than usual and my eyes were sunken in with a deep shade of purple. I hadn't slept much, due to recent events. My visions, Blaise, Bellatrix attacking, it was all too much. I'd beg to just have a normal year back but I'm almost positive everyone at Hogwarts knew that wasn't possible. Not with Voldemort being back. It's been occurring ever since first year- but now he was officially back, stronger than ever. The man who was me blood father; a monster.

I look at my reflection once again to see if I had anything that resembled how he looked in that vision as a normal boy, young but evil. I surely had the natural curl and the skin, as well as his facial structure a bit. My nose had a slight bump on it, I wasn't sure who I inherited that from. I was just glad I wasn't a spitting image of the man.

How could a boy go from looking like.. a wizard to inhuman? I shake my head, trying to rid the thought.

I turn to the shower and adjust the faucet. There was no way I was going to take a bath again. The drawing in feeling, not being able to come up.. Draco holding me as I shook and cried like a baby.. I run my hand under the hot water and put my hand to my necklace. It was warm again; maybe he was thinking of me? I unclasp the beautiful jewelry and place it gently on the counter next to me.

As I step into the foggy mist, warm water hits my skin and I felt fresh already. Each drop that fell on me made me yearn for Draco's presence even more than I already did. His warm body against mine, and his warm lips on my own.

We had one day left before we returned back to Hogwarts. Then it would be our time to start planning to fight Voldemort. I had a feeling he was going to pay a visit and scare us, and then hit us out of no where when the vanishing cabinet finishes. That's what he did. He scared people before he acted. I shut my eyes and place my face directly below the steaming water. I breathe for air and run soapy hands through my long hair. It was over due for a cut, and it was surely dangerous to have it so long if I was going to battle the Death Eaters. But then I remember my boyfriend happens to be one. Would he choose them over me? No, he wouldn't. He couldn't..

I reach down and turn off the tap, the cold outside hitting my body. My mind regretted leaving the warm steam. When I look at the counter, I see a pair of soft looking pajamas. Ginny probably lent them to me. I smile and toss them on, then my necklace. I felt bare without it against my skin.

I swing open the door, and walk back downstairs. It didn't dull one bit, just as noisy as always. It was surely a headache, but I had to tolerate it. Everyone was sitting on old looking couches and laughing, while Fred and George were showing off their pranks and making a mess. I couldn't help but smile at the environment absent of tension. I walk in, and everyone keeps talking not minding me; thank Merlin. I walk over to Sirius, who's sitting in a chair and talking to Molly and Arthur.

"Hi.." I say silently. I needed to look believable and not distant.

"Dear! How was your shower?" Molly asks folding her hands.

"It was well, thank you Ms. Weasley." I smile.

"It's not a bug, please- call me Molly." She smiles and I do so back, looking to Sirius.

"Can we talk?" I nod my head towards the empty hall. He nods and I see Harry notices me; he gets up excusing himself and joining us. We enter the hall and I lean against the wall.

"What do you know about Voldemort and his plan for Hogwarts." I ask flatly. I knew he knew more than he played off.

He sighs and looks up. Harry peers around the corner and joins me at my side. "All I know is that this year he's planning on finishing the cabinet- getting Malfoy to kill Dumbledore. They're going to try their hardest, so you guys need to come up with a plan." He says stroking his facial hair.

Harry looks to me. "Emerald and I already had agreed we would rig it somehow; or corner them as soon as they enter."

"You guys aren't strong enough to take them all on."

"We can try." I state. "I'd rather not have everyone involved in this and stir up panic; silent will win this game.. maybe I can get Draco to help."

"I highly doubt that, Emerald. He lives in fear of his consequences from Lucius and Voldemort." Sirius says.

"She knows that." Harry states boldly. I look at him with shocking eyes; maybe he gathered the point too?

"It doesn't matter if he's on our side or not- I know he would act with us if he could, but for his safety that's not a smart idea, you're right." I state. "I'd rather fight him then see him dead, him and I both know that." I look down and lick my lips. "Harry and I will train, we will improve our magic and we will fight off as many as we can. I can use the killing curse if need be.." I say closing my eyes. All I saw anymore was Krum's lifeless body flinging backwards with that green/white light of horror. The relief I felt when I had thought I saved Cedric. All to just be damned.

"You can't-" Sirius protests bur Harry cuts him off.

"We will both do it if we have to. We aren't letting Hogwarts go down in flames, or letting Dumbledore get killed. He's done far too much for us." Harry says with irritation. He adjusts his shoulders and leans against the wall. Dumbledore was like a grandfather to him, he adored him.

"The Ministry of Magic is dissipated. It's under the main rule of Umbridge." Sirius scoffs. "There's no way they would let you two off the hook for using the killing curse, I mean- they almost expelled you Harry; for saving Dudley from a dementor." He wipes his face. "If it wasn't for Dumbledore contesting for you, you wouldn't be here." I look to Harry with wide eyes and he nods.

"Wait. So he's coming after me and Harry explicitly; what does he know about me?" I ask eagerly. Something wasn't adding up.

"He knows you hold great power; but that's it. He doesn't know who you really are. Not yet."

"Not yet?" I whisper harshly.

"He will always find out the truth. He's more powerful than you guys think. And if he succeeds in killing Dumbledore, he will gain his power through the elder wand-"

"Everything alright?" Ron comes around the corner looking warily at the three of us.

"Yeah, just figuring out what to do with Voldemort." Harry covers. It was the partial truth; the only truth Ron knew.

"Hm." He looks at me. "Well, spit it out. What's the plan?" He raises his tone.

I look at Harry who looks at me and to Sirius.

"We are going to kill that bastard." I state.

To Be (Draco Malfoy x Emerald Black)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα