Chapter 1

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Kanae Kocho, a stunning beauty. Normally she would be at her estate, training either herself or her sisters, but not now. Right now she was wandering through a village, for unnamed reasons. She was searching for a lead, trying to find anything that would help her on her mission.

She searched, and she searched, only to come out empty handed everytime. Eventually she considered giving up, but she told herself that she couldn't. It was that very mentality that led to her finding... something, or someone.

On the corner of the street, covered dirt and with his clothes torn, was a small boy. The boy had green hair, and he was young. Kanae couldn't believe what she was seeing. This was all alone and abandoned, yet he couldn't be any older than her little sister Shinobu.

Kanae didn't know how to react when seeing this, it was horrible. He had absolutely nothing, and at this rate he would die. She slowly approached the boy, went down to level with him, then she spoke.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" With a voice that was as friendly and welcoming as possible. The green-haired boy didn't respond, he didn't even look at her. His eyes were emptier than emptiness itself, as if he had nothing to live for.

Kanae felt a part of her soul ache when witnessing. This boy was dead on the inside, who hurt him so that he would end up like this?

"Do you have a name?" Kanae then asked, hoping that such a question would help him open up a little, but it didn't do anything. The boy was just as unresponsive as before, staring into god knows what.

Kanae was even more broken now. Either this boy didn't know his own name, or he simply didn't want to share it for some unknown reason. He was alone, broken, and nameless. Why has the world forsaken him? and why had it done that so early?

She felt even more heartbroken now, with one thing rising in her mind. She needed to help this kid.

As that thought was made, the weather changed. It started to rain, and pour, without any restraint. The green-haired boy seemed unaffected by the change in weather, he just kept staring.

Kanae didn't wait any longer, as she held her hand out.

"Come on, I'll get you somewhere warm and safe." She then said, while smiling.

Only now did the green-haired boy actually make eye contact with her. It was strange, a feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was the fact that this person, even though it was raining, smiled and offered him kindness.

Drops spilled down the boy's cheeks, but neither of the two could tell whether it was tears or rain, as he took her hand and went with her.

. . .

Two weeks have passed, and the green-haired boy has been staying with Kanae and her sister at the Butterfly Estate. During this time he has barely said a word. All he does is observe when the others train in their swordsmanship.

Shinobu has felt that he gets in the way, but she has never voiced that complaint. She didn't need to, because even the green-haired boy himself knew it.

Right now the green-haired boy was sitting in a room, slowly eating as if he was afraid of the food in front of him. In another room, observing him as a precaution, was Kanae. Sitting in front of her was a man with black hair, and an almost decaying face. It was the leader of the demonslayers himself, Kagaya Ubuyashiki.

"Has he gotten anywhere with the recovery?" The blind man asked, his voice being calm. Kanae didn't break her gaze at the green-haired boy, as she answered.

The Quirk PillarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora