Chapter 1

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Maddy Stewart is 23 years old and is currently majoring in business at Melbourne University. Maddy's dream ever since she was little was to become a smart and independent business woman, who would later into her career run her own company and not rely on anyone else.

Over the years of high-school Maddy was always seen as a nerd. She has only had one real  boyfriend her whole life and that was back in year 12. Ever since she started university, her dating life has been so far off her mind. All she wants right now is to make sure that when she is older she is proud of herself.

Maddy has struggled with anxiety her whole life and school is one of the main contributors. Maddy knows that she needs to make sure that her anxiety does not consume her, which is why she decided that it would be best if she got a job during uni, so he decided to get a job as a spin instructor and she absolutely loves it. It is a place where she can go after uni and just relax, catch up with regular riders and her fellow colleagues. She has been working with them for about 5 months and she hasn't looked back.

She has always loved going and watching the footy on a sunday with her family. She has been a bulldogs supporter ever since she came out of the womb!


Josh Dunkley is 24 years old and is a professional Australian Footballer, who plays for the Western Bulldogs. Josh has been playing footy ever since he was little and he is living his dream right now. Josh lives with his two siblings, Lara and Kyle, who are both professional athletes as well. Lara is a netball player and plays for the Queensland Firebird and Kyle is a footballer as well, but he plays for the Melbourne Demons. The 3 Dunkley siblings were very close growing up and nothing has changed since.

Over the years Josh has become best mates with Marcus Bontempelli the now Captain of the Bulldogs and Patricl Lipinski who is a midfielder who came a year after Josh's arrival. The 3 of them have grown super close and they are all family now.


(Maddy's POV)

Today is thankfully one of my chill days, I only have one class which is human behaviour and then I'm teaching a class at United Ride and then I will fall into bed and do it all over again.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear, I get up and head into the kitchen where I am greeted by my roommate and best friend, Liv, her and I have been best friends since year 11, and when we found out that we both were going to Melbourne Uni we bought an apartment and now we are living together. Liv and I are very same, we both see no joy in partying and we both want to be independent successful women in the future.

"Morning" I say to Liv

"Morning Mads, how did you sleep" she asks

"Actually really well, how about you" I ask

"Not great, I was up all night stressing about my Bio Exam" she replies

"You have no need to worry, you will ace that exam" I say hyping her up as I walk over to the coffee machine

"Thank you" she says

"Any time" I respond

"Well, I'm gonna go shower, I will see you after your classes" Mads replies

"Yeah, see you for dinner" I say as she walks to her room

I finish making my breakfast and head into my room to quickly put some makeup on and finish my outfit, today was going to be cold, so I through some leggings on with a sports bra so I don't have to get changed and throw my bulldogs jumper and my north face puffer, just in case the wind gets bad and in no time I'm driving to school.

3 long and dreadful hours later I'm done with University for the day and I'm back at my spin studio. I have been doing spin ever since I was 15 and when I found out that United Ride has a job opening I applied right away and I got the job. It has been a great way for me to forget about school and where I can relax with some of my favorite people for an afternoon.

"Afternoon Mads" Sam says, my manager

"Hey Sam, how are you going?" I say, walking in and putting my stuff down and heading to the back to take my jumper of and get my cleats

"Good how are you" he replies

"You know the same, university consuming me" I respond

"Do I have any newbies riding with me today" I ask coming back with my cleats

"Yeah, two Lara Dunkley and Jess Chambers" He says

"Wait did you say Lara Dunkley?"

"Yeah why"

"Well, Josh Dunkley has a sister named Lara, I wonder if that's her"

"I have no idea, we will just have to wait and see" as soon as Sam says that Lara walks in and I was right, it is Josh Dunkleys sister.

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