Chapter 22.

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The days had went by so fast, especially with the fact that we were practicing almost everyday. We were focusing on dueling and defensive spells. It was honestly pretty fun and Harry was doing a great job. I hardly had time to run into Draco, with all the classes, school work, and DA meetings. I would hardly speak to him which i was also greatful for. It was the day before going to the Malfoy Manor for Christmas and i was honestly dreading it. It was when all the light and happiness that i knew in my world would be foreshadowed with smoke of darkness.
Either way of how shitty i was feeling i was going to walk in there with my head held high, and act as if it didn't affect me. I knew deep down it would however, i would lose several friends because of what i was to become.
"Are you going back home with Cedric for Christmas break?" Hermione asked.
I peeked up from my book, I didn't know what to tell her. I care for Hermione but I wasn't sure if i was ready to mention anything to her.
"Uh i might go with some friends, I'm not really welcomed back home."
Home? It wasn't even my home, my family isn't even my family. I know nothing besides the fact that i was adopted and Tom Riddle was in love with me. I should probably discuss that with him tomorrow.
"What friends?" She raised her brow at me setting her book on the table.
"You don't know them. They're muggles."
She leaned in her chair still not looking away from me. She was doubting me, especially since Ced and i are so close and yet I'm not going to go without him.

* * *

The next day i woke up with the worst headache. I hardly got sleep last night, I couldn't get my mind to stop thinking. I grabbed my trunk and headed to the train, i was a little early but i really wanted to get a compartment all to myself. I wanted to be able to have time to think and clear my head. I sat towards the end placing my head against the window,looking out into the students saying their goodbyes to their friends. I saw Cedric yesterday and waved my departure ahead of time so I wouldn't see them today. Ced was begging me to go back with him or stay at Hogwarts. I couldn't though, he would kill Cedric if i ever disobeyed him. My thought were interrupted when the door opened abruptly. There before me stood those grey eyes i was avoiding. He walked over inside the compartment sitting across from me.
"I've been looking for you."
"You've found me, now leave me alone." I spat.
"You know maybe you should be nicer to me since you are going to be staying at my house. I could easily make it a living hell for you." He remarked.
I chuckled at him, looking into his eyes and leaning foward.
"Maybe you should be nice to me because one word from me to Voldemort and you and your family will be nothing but just a name someone once knew. I wouldn't cross me again if i was you."

* * *

The manor was covered in flashy lights and Christmas ornaments. Even though the lights seem like it could brighten up any room, the manor still remained a very dark place. I stood in front of the steps that led me to the rest of the house when Draco pushed pass me nudging my shoulder hard. I flinched forward not breaking eye contact from his, he rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs to what I assume his room. Narcissa came in with a worry smile and embraced me in her arms.
   "How have you been? I know everything that is happening is a little rushed, i mean honestly Draco and you are still young-"

   "Oh, I'm not-"

I was interrupted by Lucious walking in and eyeing my appearance. His distaste for me was very clear, especially because he still believes i am going to marry his only son. He didn't know i was about to do him a favor and reject the offer.
   "The lord is waiting for you." He explained. He stretched his hand in the direction to the dinner hall so i could lead the way.
     I started trying to steady my breathing I didn't know how things were going to end. Probably not great but I'm hoping it will be better than having Voldemort kill me or worse, Cedric.

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