Chapter 21.

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Authors note:
Guys i am well aware that Cedric is supposed to die but I believe he deserved a little more recognition. Again i am making it my own so just bare with me. It will still be good irregardless. Thank you!
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Madison POV

Defense Against the Dark Arts was really dreadful. How can someone expect us to defend ourselves when they're not teaching us how to use magic? Like in potions once again Pansy took my seat so i was forced to sit with Blaise. I'm not complaining he's really nice to me and has good intentions. He's the only Slytherin besides Draco that i feel comfortable around. We were taking notes on some rubbish material that had nothing to do with atleast protection spells. It just seem like a childrens book and Umbridge was going to read us a nursery. I closed the book and just rested my hand under my chin, my quill seemed more interesting than before. The light brown feathers tickled my fingers, the hollow shaft danced to a tune. I felt a nudge on my side making me turn in annoyance. Blaise handed me a paper under our desks, I looked at him puzzled and grabbed the parchment material. I opened the book cover slightly,holding it in place to shield the piece of paper i was just given.

Meet me in the garden for dinner, I'll have food there's something I'd like to discuss.

I turned my head slightly to Blaise and nodded, Draco noticed this action and looked over at us confused. The remainder of class went super slow it felt like i had been siting in that same classroom for several days. I had Herbology after which i was pretty excited for, we were to find some plants that could help in potions which would be great considering the project we had to work on. Neville was completely into it, he's so in love with Herbology i hoped he become a professor and teach it here at Hogwarts some day. He takes pride in his work, which is absolutely refreshing to see someone so devoted to a certain subject. I was walking to dinner with Neville when i realized i had agreed to meet with Blaise.
"Shit! Sorry Neville I'll catch up with you later." I yelled over my shoulder waving Neville bye.

I was looking around the garden until I spotted Blaise. His legs were stretched out in a emerald green blanket, while he layed back on his hands. There was food all over the blanket with two goblets across from each other. I headed his direction stopping in front of him with my arms cross.

"Wow You really outdone yourself, Zabini." I smirked.
"Yeah yeah- sit." He demanded.
I lifted my hands up in surrender and crossed my legs pretzel style across from him. He took some pumpkin juice out of the basket and placed some on his goblet and my own. There was sandwiches, grapes, cheese, crackers, chips, and a couple of pastries. My stomach growled at the delights before me, i took a sandwich and bit immediately into it. Blaise did the same and looked directly at me.
"If I didn't know any better i would think you had a thing for me." I chuckled.
"You wish, it was so embarrassing carrying the basket down here and the blanket. I earned several confused glares from people, i mean normally girls are the ones to carry these things." He pointed towards the basket that sat beside him.
I laughed and continued eating sipping my juice every once in a while. The air was fresh and you could tell winter was coming soon. The breze would kiss your face making you red from its coldness.
"So, what did you want to discuss?" I lifted my brows questioning.
"I heard Draco is not going to be with you because he's going to marry Pansy, is that true?" He tilted his head my direction with a hint of pain in his eyes.
"Yup." I answered popping the "p".
"Madison maybe you guys need to talk, I'm sure he cares for you."
I shook my head and placed the sandwich down sighing.
"No he doesn't. He's in love with Pansy so please drop it. I don't want to talk about him anymore." I groaned.
"I'm sorry." He answered turning the corner of his lip down in disappointment.

I shrug my shoulders and continued eating, the dinner went rather smoothly. We talked about our childhood, how Blaise used to love going to the muggle world to eat some of their candy. According to him they have delicious candy but he ask me to not mention it to anyone because he has a reputation to keep up. I laughed at his concern and continued our conversation, he also mentioned he would bring me some of those delicious candies when ever he had a chance. It was around the time dinner was going to also be over in the hall so i helped Blaise pick up. He decided to leave before more students noticed him walking with such girly affection. I laughed and waved goodbye to Blaise as he ran away. That was the first time in a while I actually laughed for a long time and had fun. Blaise was such a great friend and i guess people don't really see how sweet he can be since he always has a cold front. I ran my fingers through my hair and headed to the common room to call it a night. I turned the corner to get my arm yanked in the opposite direction, i was going to scream but there was a hand on my mouth not allowing any sounds to come out. I looked up to see those mesmerizing grey eyes, he lifted his hand from my lips.
"So you and Zabini?" He asked.
"No, and even if it was like that it's none of your business." I remarked.
"So which one are you shagging up Diggory or Blaise?" I gasped to his accusation and lifted my hand slapping it across his cheek making his head turn sideways.
"You stay the fuck away from me Malfoy, I've been nothing but nice and you don't want to get on my bad side!" I pushed him away and ran up the stairs, leaving him behind as he rubbed his now red cheek.
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