chapter 9: the finale

Start from the beginning

Once they all got their composure Reggie just came out and said what he was thinking, "Would it be so bad if we just all worked for Caleb? We'd still be alive, and we'd get to see Diana again."

Luke shook his head as he felt a pang in his chest at the mention of her name, "No. We can't do that. Diana wanted us to cross over, remember? She was willing to risk being destroyed for us, and we should honor her wish."

"Are you ready?" The guys turned around to see an optimistic Julie Molina walk through the white double doors of the garage. Julie noticed the pale faces of her phantoms, "What's wrong?"

"Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things," Alex tried to subdue her concern.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little,"

Alex looked at Reggie strangely before Luke added, "But we're fine."

"Actually, guys, I'm a little nervous. I mean, the Orpheum is a huge deal, and..." Julie looked down at her shoes.

Alex knew what she was thinking of because that's what they were all thinking of, "Diana." Julie looked up and nodded before wiping a stray tear from her eye before it could fall. "You know she'd be proud of you, proud of all of us for making this happen."

Silence enveloped the group until she spoke up, "Luke, uh, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah." Luke walked over to the girl as the other guys gave them room to talk privately. While Julie and Luke talked, Reggie asked Alex a question.

"Do you think that when Diana's done with her unfinished business that she'll cross over with us?" Alex looked at him strangely making him explain further, "I-I've been thinking about this since she left. If Caleb made her unfinished business be dependent on us, then if we cross over, would she cross over with us?"

Alex thought about Reggie's theory but honestly didn't know. There were still so many unanswered questions, but he just put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, "I hope so."

"Guys, band circle," Luke called out, making the band reconvene. All of them held each other's hand and just tried to put out as best of energy as they could. This would be their last performance together, and they wanted to make it the best.

Luke started, "We don't know what brought us here, but... what we do know is, you're a star, Julie. And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above... or..." Luke glanced to the ground which made Julie roll her eyes and chuckle at him.

"Now let's go rock this show. Let's give 'em a night they'll be talking about 'til the sun comes up, okay?" The three of them chuckled at how enthusiastic Luke got, "Legends on three." Luke put his hand in the center, and one by one they all added their hands in.

"One," Alex added his hand.

Reggie was next, "Two."

Julie smiled at every single one of them as she held back her tears, "Three..."


A car horn then honked out making them all turn in that direction. "That's my dad. He's driving me there, so I'll se you guys soon." Julie started to walk out of the studio, but she turned around for a moment and really looked at her phantoms. She tried to soak every moment in before she had to say goodbye to them. She never thought she would miss them, but now... she couldn't imagine life without them. Julie turned back around and then made her way to her dad's car.

Carlos then jumped into the garage without her noticing, "Have a good show, boy band."

The three of them looked at the little boy in shock. Luke crouched down to his height and chucked, "Who you calling boy band?"

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