Chapter Two

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HOGWARTS WAS SUPPOSED to be a safe haven for Amara, a place where she can forget about her mind-numbing grief over her brother Maxwell and the fact that at thirteen she had to be the one to find his mangled body bleeding out all over the floor in ...

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HOGWARTS WAS SUPPOSED to be a safe haven for Amara, a place where she can forget about her mind-numbing grief over her brother Maxwell and the fact that at thirteen she had to be the one to find his mangled body bleeding out all over the floor in his bedroom, they hadn't even used the killing curse on him, instead, they ditching the mercy of the killing curse as it was supposedly quick and painless for fists and beatings when he was found hanging just above the floor his body was almost unrecognisable

The Death Eaters were using Max as a message

And even though Hogwarts was supposed to a safe haven for her to forgot about all that hurt and pain, she felt something coil within her gut and she wanted it to uncoil but at the same time she figured that if it did then something bad was going to happen 

As Amara walked back to the Slytherin Common Room, her eyes were already dropping with sleep, even though she had tried to sleep on the train. Once she gave the password 'Pureblood'  that she spoke with pride, she stepped into the den of emerald and silver and  as soon as she did, the few conversations that were flowing around  but she just ignored them, wanting to just go to bed but before she could go down the hallway to the dorms, she was stopped by Lestrange and Avery

"And so our Slytherin Queen returns to take her reign" Avery chuckled 

"You would do well to keep your mouth shut Avery"

"He is just telling the truth, everyone wants to be you even the first years Slytherins want to be you Love and they don't even know you"

"Well, they should keep their opinions to yourself" Amara snapped, anger fueling her words. Yes she was well known around the school but it was all to do with Maxwell because after she died she became cold and detached from the rest of the world in juxtaposition to the nickname she was tilted with of Love because of the muggle sweets she had a little obsession with

"Easy Love you should know we're only looking out for you, you're brother was our friend as well and we promised to look out for you"

"So did he and look where that got him"

"He died in Service to build a better world"

"Yes I know, I've heard it a thousand times" Amara rolled her eyes, her face impassive and deadpan trying not to show how hurt she was by the words she was saying, she had been told that her older brother had died in service to the Dark Lord and she should be proud, but honestly was she proud? Guilt was riddled in her chest as she thought about her brother and how she was just too late, but she had always been told not to feel guilty and instead feel proud

 Thinking back to her father's words And when you marry Regulus, you will be more important than your brother as you will bear his children and raise them to follow in the family's footsteps and you will be the perfect housewife for your new husband.

"You alright Hayes?"

Amara blinked, "Yeah, I-I think I'm going to bed"

"It's only seven o'clock" Avery called out to her as she tried to move past the older student 

"Yeah and I need to rest so I'll be energised for my classes tomorrow"

* * * 

In the morning Amara wasn't feeling much better but she pushed the sick feeling behind her and waved off her dormmates poised good mornings as she got herself out of bed and got ready for the first mornings of classes for her fifth year 

Going into the Great Hall sound bled into Amara's ear and she winced. It was too early for everyone to be this loud and she sat down at the long table next to Regulus who shared a worried glance towards her and once again she just brushed him off like she did with her dormmates and Amara grabs a piece of toast munching on the dry texture and immediantly wanting to put it down and grab her Love Hearts instead but she knew that Regulus would probably tell her that if she didn't eat her toast than she wouldn't have the energy to go to her morning classes

"This toast is too dry" She mumbles as Amara picks up a glass of orange juice and allows the cold liquid to soothe her dry throat and when she puts her glass down the brunette starts to pick at her nailbed, a feeling of coldness washing over her and then fifteen-year-old Amara felt detached from her body like an invisible string was pulling her up out of her body, she gets this feeling sometimes ever since her brother died, she felt like she wasn't in control of her own body 

She could see Regulus trying to get her attention and the handful of Slytherins turn towards the couple curiosity sparking in their eyes but she couldn't respond even if she wanted to, it was like she was frozen in place, too afraid to do anything 

It was only when the creepy old Head of House made his way over and sat the timetable in front of them and wished her a cheerful year that she snapped out of the trance she was in, much to the relief of Regulus who quickly leaned over the table and put a kiss to her forehead which made her look at him, confusion hooding over her dark eyes

"What was that Mar?" Regulus asked in a hushed whisper

"I-I don't know" 

"You just kind of spaced out. I don't know how to describe it"

Amara did. She knew how to describe it and yet the words to explain died in her throat before they even arrived on her tongue and instead a sigh passed through her lips "I think I might be sick, I'll go to the Hospital Wing"

Heart Shaped Candy | Sirius BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora