chapter 1" its not what it looks like''

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

I know this will hit him but he's strong and hell overcome it. I'm sure of it . i walked out of the classroom finally i was thinking of going full wolf form and to cool off some steam but first i wanna plug my phone in . I walk into my room and find my charger. I feel my heart ache at the sight of Josie's hoodie on the back of my chair . I walked over to it and picked it up. I cast a quick spell so it'll go back in her room and hopefully freak lizzie out . I finally make it out of my room and with just my luck, I see Josie at the end of the hall talking to Mg. I try to walk by kinda quickly when I hear her tell she Mg will catch up with him later . i start walking a little faster hoping that she'll get the hint and leave me alone because i don't think i have the heat to face her right now . i was about to turn the corner when josie finally said

"Hope, wait up, I need to talk to you , I heard about you and Landon are you okay?"

I stop in my tracks and turn around and say "i'm fine". She's standing in front of me. I can't help myself from staring at her amazing lips . I can feel her trying to look me in the eyes. I finally cave and look up. She wasn't physically saying anything but her eyes told a million words.

"Josie i said i was fine"

I was hoping my subtle attitude would give her a hint and just go but it was the opposite . Because before I knew she's pulling me into one of the empty classrooms , pushing me against the wall and kissing me hard as much as I wanted to kiss her back, I pulled away . Josie looks at me and puts her hands in her face

"Hope im so sorry its too soon u and Landon just broke up".

Nobody will ever realise how badly i just wanted to take her back to my room and have her all to myself . But instead I hacked out.

" It's not that i just ended things with Landon it's because i'm not into you like that that kiss yesterday was a mistake , i don't want you in my life anymore".

After those words left my mouth i could feel tears start to form in my eyes so I just walked straight out of the door and went to the woods to calm down . I can't believe i just told Josie the love of my life that i don't want her in my life anymore . And worse im letting Penelope Park win

Josie's pov

She broke up with Landon the day after we kissed .I was so stupid to think Hope Mikalson would want to be with me of all people. I can't believe she just told me she didnt want me in her life anymore . I thought Penelope broke my heart when she went to Belgium but this was a whole new pain I felt in the bottom of my chest . I was hurt that I didn't even cry , I just kinda stayed there staging in space . Before I could think of what to do next I felt myself walk my way to my room . I prayed that Lizzie wasn't there because as much as I love my twin she can be a bit much sometimes , and i didnt have the strength to deal with her . I saw the hoodie I left in Hopes room a couple days back and it was now on my desk . And with that sight I finally broke . I couldn't help the tears from running down my face , it felt like I was crying for ages . I needed something to get my mind off of her , or better someone and with that in mind someone knocked on my door . I thought it was Hope actually what am I kidding? I was wishing it was Hope but when i opened the door i was in total shock.


she ran into me wrapping her arms around me squeezing me tight for a second

"jojo i've missed you so much "

she grabs my face with both hands and her smile fades

"what's wrong have you been crying".

I don't respond. I look at her for a second and push my lips into hers . She kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my waist . when she suddenly pulls away

true love always wins a hosie storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें