With a reluctant sigh, I stretch out my hand. "Fine. Partners. But just till James and Lily get together," I say. Sirius gives me a wolffish grin. "Of course."

Weeks had gone by, and Sirius and I had been working together...a lot. Lily and James were a handful. We had to plan to make sure they were in the same place at the same time, and they ended up hanging out together a lot. The Marauders and Lily and I had been hanging out around each other a lot, mostly because of Lily and James liking each other, and being too into the other to say anything. Sirius and I would plot during meal times, late at night in the Common Room, in the library, after his quidditch practices. Often times, our conversations would dwindle to other topics, and we'd just sit and talk for hours.

Sirius and I had started to become friends. And he was kind of funny, in a roguishly-handsome-prick kind of way. He's also quite smart. He would be top of the class if he actually tried to be an academic. And he is very vulnerable. His childhood was trash. But I'm flattered that he opened up to me about it. I feel like he understands me.

But he has been acting odd lately. Avoiding me at all possible costs, and when I try to talk to him he either brushes me off or goes to talk to someone else in the group. It happened a week after I told him about my home life. The territory I have only ever spoken to Lily about. I wonder if I had maybe scared him off.

Sirius P.O.V.

Oh shit. I like Y/n. I don't want to like Y/n.

I'm cursed. Everything I touch, seems to crumble. I don't want that for her. I can't do that to her. She's too perfect, in the most imperfect way. She's the light, and I am the dark. And I don't want to make her dark like me.

She's out of my league. And she's everything I've ever wanted in a woman. She's beautiful, and I want to kiss her in a dark corner all the time, maybe more.

But I also want to talk to her, and meet her family and eventually be the father of her children.

Slow down Sirius. We're sixth years.

The problem isn't that I like her, no. The problem lies with the fact that I don't just want to hook up with her, like usual when I like someone. I want more with her. I want to be exclusive. I want her to be the only girl for me. I want so much more than I've ever had with anyone else.

But I can't. Not with someone as perfect as her. I can't let her fall from grace to be with me.

So I decided to distance myself, hoping this feeling will go away.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"N/n!" The voice of my best friend called. I glanced up from my Potions essay.

"Yes, love?" I ask. Lily was practically bouncing on her heels.

"James asked me out!"

"And? He does this on the weekly?" I say, pretending to not be excited.

"No. Not on a date. To be his girlfriend!" Lily squealed.

I spring out of my seat. "Wow! That's fantastic! What did you say?"

"Yes, duh," Lily snorts.

That means I no longer have a reason to see Sirius other than with our friends.

"I'm so happy for you, Lils," I say, hugging her.  I needed to make a plan. I needed to ask Sirius why he was avoiding me.

"Do you know why Sirius is avoiding me?" I blurt out to Lily.

Lily pulls away. "Wait...why?"

Realization seemed to dawn on her face. "Oh my god! You like Sirius!"

"I-I never said that," I defend.

"Your face did! I'll see what James knows! I'm getting you two together by the end of the week!" Lily says excitedly and bolts out of the room.

"Nope." I mutter as I walk out of the room. I'll ask Sirius myself.

Just my luck, I see him in the hallway, walking towards me.

"Sirius Orion Black!" I call, as he tried to turn around and walk away. He froze at the mention of his full name.

He slowly turned around to face me.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

Sirius P.O.V.

James had told me him and Lily got together. I'm not going to lie. I was happy. But not enough. A part of me was devastated.  Now, I didn't really have a reason to see Y/n anymore. After briefly congratulating him, I ran through the castle looking for her. I needed to tell her. She could decide what happens from there.

I see her exiting the library. Nope. I can't do this today. Never mind.

"Sirius Orion Black!"

I flinch at my full name, and stop in my tracks. No one calls me like that except my mother, and I hate it for obvious reasons.

I slowly turn around to face her, keeping my head bowed, waiting for her reaction. With the tone she used, she wasn't happy to see me.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Y/n asked. I could just see the tips of her shoes from where I was standing. She stepped closer, and I could now see her more clearly.

I raised my head. "I'm in love with you, and I don't know what to do about that fact."

Y/n's P.O.V.

"I'm in love with you, and I don't know what to do about that fact."

I swear I died on the spot.

"Y-you love me?" I choke out.

Sirius lowers his eyes to the ground.

"Well I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I've never said that to anyone before, okay? This is weird, and it's freaking me out and-"

I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around his chest. He seemed shocked by my action, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm in love with you too, you idiot." I say, raising my head from the crook of his neck to look at him.

"Well, that's great news. And might I say, you have remarkable taste-"

I roll my eyes, and kiss him to shut him up.

After a few moments, we pull away.

"I like your method of shutting me up," Sirius remarks.

"I'm glad. I'll have to make use of it more often." I say, and lean in to kiss him again.

"Oh...looks like we're not needed here then." James says.

Sirius and I pull away from our kiss, glancing behind us. James and Lily came around the corner, fingers intertwined.

"How awkward would it be if we get married on the same day and our kids become friends?" Lily blurted out to me that evening, in our dorm.

I grin at her. "Imagine Minnie's face when the Marauders two-point-o enters Hogwarts. She's going to retire on that day."

"Imagine my son looks like James, and your son looks like Sirius. And we each have a daughter that looks like us. It would be perfect!" Lily says, flopping onto her bed.

"I hope your kids have your eyes." I mutter, closing my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of my roommates snores.

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