Oliver Wood

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Requested by: manasvi1026

Summery: Bridesmaid at best friend's wedding, meets Oliver who is the best man.

A/n: since everyone wants to know what I did to my hand, I'll explain. So, my ring finger and my middle finger and my index finger on my right hand has been broken. The ring finger was from a basketball accident, the middle finger from moving a mattress twice my size and weight, and my index finger was from dropping a box on it. I managed to do all of this in like...one day. So we got them splinted together in this one really large, useless slab of finger. It's kind funny, cause it reminds me of my walrus costume I wore to school once. I have the same mobility in my hands now as I did in the costume.

"Where is the glue? This seam isn't going to stay on by itself!" Y/n calls to the other bridesmaids. Today was the wedding day of Gwenyth and Thomas. Gwenyth was Y/n's childhood best friend. Their mothers were best friends, and Gwenyth and Y/n were even born on the same day. They had been best friends since birth, literally. They had attended Beauxbatons together, and that is where Gwenyth met Thomas, captain of Puddlemore United.

"Go see if any of the groomsmen have glue," one of the other bridesmaids, Aubrey, suggested. Y/n, as the maid of honor, took it upon herself to make her best friend's wedding perfect.

"I'll be right back, Gwenny," Y/n reassured, and hiked up her skirts and sprinted to the back entrance of the church.

Standing a few feet away from the groomsmen, Y/n was well hidden behind a door. The guests were all seated.

"Psst!" Y/n calls, and one of the groomsmen turn.

He walks over, trying not to draw too much attention to Y/n who was hidden behind the door, which was kind. He was shielding Y/n from the public eyes, leaving the dresses as part of the big reveal.

"Is there a problem?" The guy asks. He had kind brown eyes, and lovely thick brown hair, and a very nice nose.

"Um...Gwenyth's seam came undone. We don't have any glue or anything to stick the seam. The dress looks lopsided, and I don't want Gwenny to have to worry about compensating whilst she's walking. Do you have anything that can help with the seam?" Y/n asks.

"Oh, yeah. Sure," the guy says, handing Y/n some tape.

"Why do you carry muscle tape?" Y/n asks, eyeing the blue tape in her palm.

"Thomas and I are athletes! We use this stuff by the roll on the daily," the guy says.

"Oh, okay. Thanks!" Y/n says, and hikes up her skirts, taking off to where the bridal party was gathered.

"I got tape!" Y/n cheers triumphantly, holding the tape above her head. Her other hand was holding the sweetheart neckline of her dress, which was slowly slipping down her body from her rigorous movement.

After taping Gwenyth's dress, Y/n hid the tape in her bouquet.

"I wish I could tape my boobs to stay inside the dress," Y/n remarked to Gwenyth, just before the doors opened.

Walking down the isle, Y/n took her place in the procession. She stood next to the man who borrowed her the tape. She stealthily slips the tape back into his pocket.

"Thanks," Y/n whispers.

"No probs," he whispers back.

The ceremony felt long. Y/n was fiddling with the ribbon on her bouquet, when the ring bearer dropped the rings.

Y/n dives to catch them before they can go rolling down the aisle. The best man helps her to her feet, as she hands the rings to Thomas.

Y/n claps when Thomas and Gwenyth kiss. The man who borrowed her the tape holds his arm out to her to lead her down the isle, behind the bride and groom.

"That was almost a disaster. Especially with these shoes," Y/n whispers, referring to her pervious almost-neck-breaking-escapade. The man grins.

"It's only a pleasure. And plus, helping beautiful women is kind of my thing."

Outside, Y/n helps Gwenyth get into the car  due to the sheer size of her dress to go take wedding photos.

When the car pulled out of sight, Y/n wiped her brow and sighed.

"Good grief, that's a large dress," a voice says behind her. Y/n rolls her eyes, and turns to see the man who borrowed her the tape.

"Tell me about it. I told her not to get that one, as they only make car doors so wide, but she didn't want to listen to me," Y/n says.

The guy smiles, and extends his hand. "I'm Oliver, Oliver Wood."

Y/n smiles. "Y/n L/n."

"To a job well done," Oliver grins, fist-bumping Y/n.

"A job well done. Good grief, being a bridesmaid is tiring," Y/n says.

"Why not be the bride at the next wedding?" Oliver jokes.

"I always knew I would marry my Golden Retriever," Y/n says with a smile.

The pair clambered into the back of the car that was transporting other members of the bridal party. Oliver was in the driver's seat, Y/n in the passenger's seat, and two groomsmen and two bridesmaids were piled into the back.

Y/n tugged at the neckline of her dress. "Honestly, why did she chose a sweetheart neckline? It's super uncomfortable," Y/n complained, fixing the dress again.

"Well, it's a nice color, the blue. And I'm assuming since it's a wedding, there's some kind of a correlation between a sweetheart and that in some odd way," Oliver opted. Y/n snorted.

"That's dumb. But plausible."

Y/n and Oliver spoke all the way to the photo shoot, during the shoot, and on the way to the reception. Much to their luck and surprise, they were even seated next to each other at the reception.

After the speeches were given, the bride and groom took to the dance floor, calling the rest of the couples to the floor.

"I know we just met, but would you like to dance with me?" Oliver asked, holding his hand out to Y/n. Y/n feigned shock.

"Why, of course, kind sir."

And with that, the pair took to the floor, dancing the night away.

After the wedding, Y/n and Oliver stood outside in the cool night air, waving their best friends off as they drove into the night.

"So...what now?" Y/n asked, staring at the empty hall.

"How about we go do something fun?" Oliver suggested.

"Oh really? Like what?" Y/n taunted.

"Swimming. And we ruin these wild getups." Oliver said, pointing towards the pool at the back of the hall.

Y/n grinned, and grabbed Oliver's outstretched hand. The pair ran to the water, cannon balling into the water.

Y/n came up, gasping for air.

"You look lovely," Oliver joked, splashing water at Y/n. She could feel her makeup running down her face, and her hair was probably a huge mess.

Y/n sputters, and splashes water at him.

After a brief splash war, the pair stoped and stared at each other for a moment.

"Do you maybe want to go out sometime?" Oliver blurted out.

Y/n pretended to think the offer over.

"Gee, I don't know, Mr Wood. Will it be worth my while?"

Oliver grinned. "Don't worry. It'll be fun. How does ax throwing sound to you?"

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