"Y/an you can uncover your face it's probably bad for your breathing and I wanna see your face" he chuckled and I sighed.

"Fine but only because I can't breath." I pulled my shirt down and moved my hair out of my face. He looked at me and shrugged. "Why do you hide your face you look like every normal girl but gross because you're sick."

"Wow thanks," I said sarcastically and threw a couch pillow at him. "What you expected a complement ha i'm à addnot no simp" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my blanket because I was freezing. "So why did you come here and how did you know where I lived?" I asked still kinda upset he was here for some reason.

"Well, I got a text from Karl to come check up on you since we both live in cali which I didn't know by the way. But I asked why and he said it was because something to do with dream and stuff also that you were sick" he shrugged and went to my kitchen. "You got any food"

"Yeah get whatever you want" I called back and was going to grab my phone but realized it was upstairs. I wrapped my blanket around me and dashed upstairs best I could and grabbed my phone off my bed.

I had 20 missed calls and 30 texts. I checked to see 18 calls and 27 of the texts we're from dream. the other 2 calls and 3 texts were from Karl.

I first looked at Karls texts


Hey, are you okay your not answering any of your calls?!?

Hey, dreams worried for some odd reason something about you not answering and bad coughing. 🤢🤧

He wants me to come see you but you know you live in cali so im sending techno over. He should be over in 20😌

Oh yeah, he's here and now two people know what I look like and sorry I left my phone in my room. 😒😬

I waited for a response but got one instantly.

Oh okay but you better tell dream that not me bc he like really worried for some reason did you do something🤨

Uh no but I'll go tell him byee 👋

I looked at my phone for a few seconds to process what Karl just said. Dream worrying about me? What the hell??

Instead of answering all of dreams text which were all along the lines of "hey answer me" "are you okay" and "im worried answer me". I decided to call him as I head back stairs to the pig that probably ate all my food.

You-"hey im-"

Dream- "thank God your okay Jesus what's happened." He cut me off

You- "I was saying sorry because I left my phone upstairs and passed out on the couch. Calm down." I coughed a little

I chuckle and walk to the kitchen to see Techno cooking. It warmed the kitchen so I dropped my blanket off by the couch.

Dream-"sorry it's just you sounded really sick I thought you might die"

You- "oh is dreamy boy scared his competition might die." I laugh and see Techno struggling.

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