~Chapter 2~

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I did it.

I wrote everything I felt.

The good,

the bad,

the angry,

the loneliness.

All of it.

All of it on those journal pages.

I am proud of myself, I actually went through with something.
Of course there were tears, it was all so emotional.

But I still did it.

I closed the journal and set it on the coffee table in front of me as I turned to get comfortable on my sofa, grabbing a pillow for my head.
I closed my eyes, I was exhausted from my emotional break down, and drifted off to sleep soon afterwards.

I opened my eyes and felt a killer pain in my head.
"Merlin's beard..." I murmured reaching up to clutch my head. I hate headaches.
I looked up and saw my phone, which I reached out and grabbed for.

More texts from Audrey:

~you ok? You never answered me last night
~you wanna hang out today? It's been awhile :)

I smiled as I read them, she never failed to put me in a good mood.

~yes I'm ok, just tired last night, and hanging out sounds good! I'll meet you at Hogsmeade at noon ;)

I sent the text and set my phone down to go get ready. I finally looked in a mirror and almost gasped, I had dried mascara smeared all down my face from last night. I almost laughed at the sight of it but just shook my head instead and removed it all.

Once I was ready I apparated to Hogsmeade because it was close to noon anyways. I stood waiting for a few minutes, looking around to see if she was here already.
I looked to my right, and then my left.
Typical Audrey, never on time.

"Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice then yell.
I turned around and there stood my best friend. We ran towards each other and engulfed ourselves into a hug.
"OH EHM GEE how have you been!?" She squealed during our hug. As we released I answered "I've been ok, ya know". She nodded and linked our arms together and started walking.

"You need to tell me about what's going on with the whole Draco thing" she told me.
I shook my head not wanting to talk about it and just wanting to spend time with my bestie but knowing her, I knew that would not be an option.
"You gotta talk to me, you gotta talk to someone". "Ugh fine ok you win" I said rolling my eyes at her playfully.

"You still like him?"

"Um- uh, yeah I guess I do".

"Oh, wow" she said pretty shocked. "Yeah I guess I really do, he's the only thing I can think about" I told her honestly.
"I finally tired to write down what I was feeling last night like you suggested-" "good! That's good!" "Yeah and I went through with it".

"Amazing. Good job."

She's really supportive.

"Tell me some"

"Wh- what!?"

"Tell me some of what you wrote"


"It's always better to tell someone, yes writing it was so good and I'm super proud! But telling someone, especially someone you trust, is always the most helpful".
I sighed "ok" and told her the gist of what I wrote.

She was silent.

"Wow. That's- that's a lot to keep inside, that's so many different feelings at once, are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine".

"Ok.." she said unconvinced, but she left it because she's asked a lot from me today.

"You should make it a song".


"What you wrote, it sounds like poetry and songs always start out as poems. I think you should make it into a song".

"Wh- why?"

"Because, I know you have a great voice, and it's a way to express yourself and these feelings. It also gives you something to do".

"Ok ok true, all good points" I said nodding my head.
"Now can we go have fun and not talk about this anymore?" I whined at her and she smiled.

"Of course y/n, let's go!".

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