chapter thirteen.

Start from the beginning

Emily broke down in her arms, "Pen, I left her. I made her feel like I was dead, and then I randomly show up. I hurt her." Emily said crying.

"Shh.. It's gonna be okay, she knows you had a reason Emily. She knows it wasn't on purpose." Penelope said moving the hair out of Emily's face.

Jj kept going unconscious, it was getting harder for her to see and harder for her to breathe. Brian came back in the room with a camera.

"What're you doing?!" Jj asked yelling. "I'm giving you a chance to say goodbye, unlike you did." He said. Jj rolled her eyes and Brian saw. He hit her again.

He turned the camera on. "Prentiss get in here, now!" Hotch yelled. She ran in the conference room and saw Jj on the screen.

Jj looked up, "It's on, say something." Brian said. She refused, "No" Jj said. He hit her again and she flinched, "Say something!" He said yelling.

She had tears coming down her eyes. "Em.." Jj started. Emily had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I never told you the truth" She said trying to get the words out before she passed out again.

"I left the bau, once you left. I couldn't handle the love of my life leaving." She said starting to cry more. "When- when I left i worked for a different department. I didn't know what i was getting myself into. I worked on a very hard case, and- and" She said stuttering.

Emily kept looking down because she couldn't see Jj being hurt. "And it was very bad. I cant explain to you, what happened. But just know, that I love you.. So much." Jj said. Emily was still crying, but she looked up at the screen.

"I hope you forgive me, for never telling you. This might be the end for me, but not for you. I want you to move on, find someone amazing and have a good life. Emily.. I know you don't want too, but that's what I want. Do it for me." She said.

Emily shook her head. Everyone had tears in their eyes. "I can't do that to her." Emily said. "I know she wants it, but I don't. It's not the end for her." Emily said.

"Mm, great. Think they care?" Brian asked Jj. He never turned the camera off. Alex got up, "Ill be back." She went outside to look around.

When she was outside she looked under the car and found a sweater. It had weird things on it, that could possibly find the unsub. She ran upstairs and gave it to Garcia.

Emily continued to watch the live feed as the sweater was getting tested.

"They don't care." He said. "Yes they do" Jj said. "No they don't!" He said hitting her. Emily looked away, "I can't.." She said. "I know.." Hotch said.

Alex and Penelope ran into the conference room, "We got an address!" Penelope said. Emily jumped up.

Garcia sent them the address and they left. "Emily.. you need to be careful. Don't do anything you'll regret." Hotch said. Emily closed her eyes and nodded.

When they were close they turned the sirens off and parked a few blocks away. They all ran to the warehouse. Derek kicked down the door and Brian ran bye Jj and held a gun to her head.

"Let her go!" Emily said. "No! She's mine" Brian said. "No she's not. She's mine, always was, always will be." Emily said. The unsub got mad.

Emily was getting into his head. They kept talking and he wouldn't let her go, "Prentiss if you got the shot.. take it." Hotch said quietly. Emily nodded.

Emily looked at Jj and back up at the unsub, she had a clear shot. "Yeah, she's mine." Emily said before she shot him in the head.

She put her gun away and quickly ran up to Jj, she helped her down. She gave Jj a big hug. "Emily.." Jj said. Emily kissed her. "I'm so sorry for leaving you" Emily said.

The ambulance was outside and were walking towards Jj. "Emily don't be sorry, this is my fault. I never should've left the bau" Jj said. "You left because of me, it's my fault. I left you." Emily said. Before Jj could argue Emily cut her off with a kiss.

Jj smiled and Emily hugged her. She held Jj's hand as she was getting in the ambulance. "I'm going to the hospital with her" Emily said. Hotch nodded.

They drove off. Once they were in the hospital Emily sat down next to Jj until she woke up. She coded in the ambulance, and never woke back up.

A few hours later Jj woke up, Emily was sleeping next to Jj's bed, her hand was in Jj's hand. As Jj was getting up Emily woke up.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Emily said smiling. "I am" Jj said smiling. Emily kissed Jj, and she kissed her back. "What time is it?" Jj asked.

"Uhh.. 3am" Emily said. "Emily.. go home. It's late you need sleep." Jj said. "No, i'm not leaving you wether you like it or not" Emily said. Jj smiled.

"Will you.. lay down with me?" Jj asked. "Of course my love." Emily said, getting in the bed. she was careful not to hurt Jj.

Emily put her arm around Jj and they fell asleep. It was around 10:30am and Garcia got there before anyone else. She looked at Emily and Jj, "Aww" Penelope said. She took a quick picture of them.

She sat down until the two woke up. Jj woke up before Emily. "Penelope" Jj said smiling. Garcia smiled. "Hey love" Emily then woke up.

She looked at Jj and smiled. "Awe you're so cute when you wake up" Jj said. "Stop it" Emily said smiling. Jj giggled and kissed Emily.

Hotch and the rest of the team walked in, "Woah what's going on here?" Derek said teasing them. "Shush" Jj said.

Derek and the rest of the team smiled. "How are you feeling" Hotch asked. "Better now that Emily is here." Jj said smiling. Emily smiled back.

"But on a real note, It hurts." She said. "Take a few weeks off." Hotch said. "And that's an order" He said smiling. "Alright fine." Jj said.

"Emily, you can have a week off to help Jj with whatever she needs." Hotch said. Emily nodded.

"We'll leave you two alone." Hotch said. Everyone but Penelope walked out. "Look guys" Penelope said showing them the picture she took this morning.

"Send that to me" Jj said. Penelope smiled and gave a thumbs up as she walked out. Penelope sent it and Jj looked at it.

"Look at you, you're adorable" Emily said. Jj smiled, "I love you." Jj said. "I love you too" Emily said leaning in to kiss Jj.

Authors note:
Oop- okay first sorry for not updating right away. I have school tomorrow smh. Anyways idk how tf to write her getting kidnapped cause i feel bad. i hope you like the ending though. also i almost died yesterday LMFAO (not really but kinda lmfao). oh thank you sm for 9k views! anyways goodbye <3

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