The final chapter

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Marty runs as fast as he can to get some help to rescue Alex and Lexis. He goes to the volcano and finds Melman and Gloria and learns that they love each other.

Marty: Gloria, Melman Alex and Lexis has been captured by the people!!

Gloria: What?! No!!

Melman: What are we going to do?!

Marty: Well we are going to get more help.

The three of them run to the penguins and the chimps.

Mason: The plane will not be fixed until you give us mitantitylead.

Skipper: Maternity leave? (Looks under the table) Your all males!

Marty: We need the plane for a rescue mission. Alex and Lexis are in danger!

Private: She's in danger?! We need the plane fixed now!! And Skipper Lexis is a tough lioness she's not just a distraction-er or a extra team mate she's one of us.

Skipper: Ok I'll admit it I got angry with her and it was my fault. Ok Chimps you've got a deal.

Marty: Now lets go!!

Once everyone got on the plane they start to look for Alex and Lexis. Alex and Lexis are tied to a pole together lexis leg is still injured but at least it stoped bleeding. The humans take them to the fire to get cooked.

Nanny: Now we get to have cooked lion.

Random guy: Wait can't you eat a lion?

Nanny: Don't worry it tastes just like chicken.

The humans put Alex and Lexis on a spinner so they can cook.

Alex:(try's to blow out fire) Wait guys it's me Alex the lion.(Flames go up) Ahhh!!

Lexis: Please humans he's the king of New York. Alex I don't think humans can understand us.

Alex: What do we do?!

Lexis: I don't know I'm injured and we are about to be cooked so I'm not sure.


Alex and Lexis: Dad?!

Zuba frees them both from the pole and the fire.

Zuba: What were you two thinking?!

The humans surround the three.

Lexis: We are trying to get the water back.

Zuba: Stay behind me you two!

Lexis looks at the people very closely and sees one of them has a New York shirt and she whispers to Alex.

Lexis: Alex one of the people has a New York shirt on I think some of the people are New Yorkers.

Alex: I think your right you think some of them will recognize me if I do what I know?

Lexis: I think they will now go out the bro do what your good at and carful some of these people have guns.

The random guy was almost going to shoot Zuba but Alex covers him doing the thing where he moves his hand and changes to happy and sad faces.

Zuba: What are you doing?

Alex: Doing the one thing I'm good at and these are my people.

Lexis: You go bro.

Alex starts to dance and the people are amazed.

Random guy: Hey I know those moves Alex?

Alex keeps dancing.

Madagascar 2 (with lioness sister)Where stories live. Discover now