"What was the headmaster talking about?"

"Harry will be taking his O.W.L's this summer." He couldn't stop the broad grin that formed on his face when gasps arose around him.

"But isn't Harry like what? 14 years old?" Tonks asked wide eyed. He nodded.

"Turning 15 on July but yeah, he will be on his 6th year this September if all goes well. Which I have no doubt it will."

"But he's with Ron and Hermione! How could he be going to an year higher than them?!" Mrs. Weasley asked loudly. He grinned.

"Maybe because he's a few shades higher than them?" Lupin caught his eye and shook his head in amusement. He didn't care, he was allowed to boast about his godson right?

"But that's a big decision! How could you let him do this? He'll be out of Hogwarts within two years this way…when he's just turning 17 he will be out!"

"Yes he will. Minerva herself made the proposition to him and he asked us all before agreeing to it."

"He didn't ask me!" He couldn't hold it in as he burst out in laughter. Tonks was grinning widely as she leaned back in her chair and started twirling a strand of her hair while Lupin look slightly annoyed. Arthur…poor Arthur looked like he wanted nothing more than to disappear.

"Why should he be asking you?" He asked after he'd managed to calm himself down. Mrs. Weasley looked to be at a loss for words and opened her mouth a few times although no sound came out.

"I have been taking care of him for the past few years!" She snapped and he cocked an eyebrow at her.


"At least I was there for him! You didn't even come into his life until last year! You weren't there for him for all those years and now you come in…"

"Why wasn't I there for him?" He asked venomously. "Do you think I chose Azkaban? Do you think I wanted to spend 13 long years in jail rather than take care of him? My own godson?" She opened her mouth but shut it again, it seemed like she was thinking furiously trying to come up with a way to counter him.

"You don't know the first thing about taking care of him! How could you just leave him with that Veela woman and her family? Especially now of all times!" He chuckled despite himself.

"He's safer there than anywhere else. That 'Veela woman' cares a lot more about him than I or you or anyone else put together."

"That's…" She began again but he cut her off.

"He doesn't need a mother." He snapped making her flinch. "He already has one and there's no need for you to try to fill that role. Lily still watches over him. If you knew the first thing about him, if you knew anything about him at all you wouldn't be trying to control him. For all the talk you do about taking care of him for the past few years you don't know the first thing about him." She stared at him mutely before storming out of the kitchen.

Arthur waited for a few seconds before grimacing slightly and got up, after quietly bidding them good night he left too. When the door opened an explosion of noise met their ears. It seemed that Mrs. Weasley was venting her anger on her children who by the sounds of it, had been trying to eavesdrop on their conversation again.

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