"Do you have anything to say?" He chuckled misunderstanding my gasp an attempt to speak but I just stared quietly at my angry husband in response.

"Of course you don't, how could I forget that you are mute" he said amusement and mockery evident in his voice.

And it's not that I didn't try but I couldn't keep my flood gate shut for long and a tear escaped my trapped and slip down my cheek right into the cold waters.

Miles leaned in towards me and I leaned back unconsciously.

"Are this tears ?" He as asked while his warm thump trace the part the tear had made of my faces. His proximity and touch was something else and the effect of that cause my body hairs to stand on their tips.

"I hate to see my young wife cry?" He said in a monotone and someone who hadn't seen this side of him would have sworn that his words were genuine but for the few days I've lived with this man I knew they weren't and the thought of that couldn't keep in the remnants of my tears as the flooded down each side of my cheek.

I stared at his furrowed eyebrows and pouted as my forehead creased in anger. After giving my temple a gentle push with his index finger he finally straightened up in one Swift movement.

His tall figure towered over me causing me to shudder in fear and he smirk as his face radiated satisfaction.

A man of his height compared to other men was what one will call a very very tall man,I can't remember any man who is as tall as he is,his height always makes him stand out among people, causing him to look more domineering and in charge. Though I was also tall but compared to Miles I did be categorised as an average and he was always standing way above me,the situation was worst with me seated in the tub. He  stared down at me like a eagle will to his prey and I couldn't help but keep my head low thereby giving him the satisfaction he wanted.

He shifted and I shivered again in fear and I heard him huff before making his way out while I stared quietly at the back view of his retreating figure.

Immediately he was out I was reminded again of my position in the cold water and I couldn't help butt wander what it is I've ever done to this man to warrant such hatred and I'll treatment as I help myself of of the tub.

More tears ran down my cheeks as I search frantically for a towel to cleaned my dripping cold body but find none. I sneezed and realized I needed to do something to warm up my body, so I emptied the bathtub and entered into it after pulling off my shoes.

I applied pressure on the hot water button but the water the faucet let out was cold,I sighed at my bad luck and sniff my nose. I contemplated on waiting for the heater to heat up more cold water but I know the waiting time might take longer than I could wait in my present condition and my body was already reacting to the cold.

I twisted my garments to drained up the water I could possibly drained out with the little energy I had left but not withstanding my garments still hung on my body like a second skin showcasing my full chest.

I finally walked out of the bathroom bare footed to find something dry and warm to cover my body before my situation got worse.

Met my husband having an eye battle with his cousin when I walked into our bathroom. Even though my husband ways way above Louis the young was still adamant on not being the one go loose the battle and all I could do was stare at the peer while wandering what went wrong.

"Adi what happened to you?" Louis demanded when his eyes caught a glimpse of me and he made forward towards me but was block by my stubborn husband. Though I was grateful that the tension in the room few minutes ago had died down I couldn't help but fear what was coming.

I Dared To Call Him Husband (The Man I Married)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon