"Yeah. Come on in." Opening the door I gave him enough room to slide pass me. Once inside, I closed the door behind us, and my grandfather, being the curious person he is, walks in. "Oh? I didn't think you'll bring a girl over...." He stares down at Julius in shock and disbelief.

"Girl?" I blinked, and then realized that Julius kinda looks like a girl "Oh! He's a boy. Grandfather, this is Julius."

His mouths opens in a O shape. "Nice to meet you, sorry." Grandfather grabs onto Julius hands and Julius smiles. "Sorry if I'd made you uncomfortable, it really wasn't my intent."

"It's alright." Julius pushes a strand of hair out of his face. "It happens."

Thinking about it now, when I'd first met him, I thought he was a girl, too. I also couldn't believe the person I was staring at was real....

You see, he's a rarity. There's not many black people left, not after the titans incident.

His thin nose and high cheekbones stood out beautifully together.....he looked mixed with something else.

Even though he might be mixed, it's still strange to see someone like him in our presence. It might also be dangerous for him, with people out there selling others on the black market. Blinking, I grabbed the towels. He's probably cold. I should give these to him.


"Why did you have a bucket outside your window?"

"It's to keep people from sneaking in at night."

Armin and I sat in silence. But I ended up starting the conversation first. "You said I could come over anytime I want. And I know we just met, but we'll be good friends," I tell him, and he smiles.

"Thanks. I'll like that." Bringing his book up to his knees, he sighs. Me being the curious person I am looked over to see what he was reading. That's when I saw....

"Wow! Is that real!" *Grabs book out of hand*

"Be careful with it."

I scan through the pages. "Wow. Is this real?" I point my finger over at one of the pictures in the book. "The ocean...." It says it goes on for miles. And storms occur in it...."I want to see the ocean," I breathe out. Armin smiles brightly at this.

He leans in to grab the book and I let him, waiting to see what he'll show me. That's when he turns the pages, revealing this beautiful mountain full of snow and mysteries. "Uncle told me having this is illegal, but I don't care." Lifting the book up closer to my face, I back up and he points, near the bottom. "Someone wrote this book from the past. They've traveled to these places, without worry of titans....they were completely free...."

"Free." It feels weird saying that word on my tongue. I've never once felt free. In this world I've always felt trapped, like there was nothing for me. I accepted that a long time ago. "Maybe life is worth living for," I smiled, placing the book to my heart while closing my eyes. "I want to swim in the ocean. Even though I've never swam in my life."


Few minutes of silence fell upon us, but quickly left when his grandfather walked in. "Armin, could you go to the market and get some bread. Here's the money..." Dropping two coins in his hand, Armin sticks it in his pockets and grabs the book.

"We'll bring this with us," he smiles. Tucking the book inside his old worn out bag I make my way outside. It didn't take long: we made it to the market place, bought the bread, then took the longer way home because of an incident that happened just now.

I wanted to ask him where his parents were, but I don't think it's the right time. We only just met.

"Armin? Is that you....got some food for us?"

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