Bus Ride

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Inaco was sat next to a very large and muscle-bound man, his skin dark and warm, overall left open, exposing the vest worn beneath. Natural hair short, dark brown eyes hooded and intense, nose strong with flared nostrils, plump lips and sharp jaw with day old stubble, cheekbones causing shadow on the cheeks. Somewhere in his late twenties, early thirties. Eyebrows on the thinner side and curved, slightly raised to shade his eyes. The seat on the bus looked too small for the burly man, his legs long, knees pressed to the back of the seat in front, hard thigh creeping onto the other seat even though the other was pressed to the wall of the bus below the window. He didn't look particularly comfortable, nor in a pleasant mood, but who would be in a good mood when being sent to prison?

The man called Dontrell, looked at the very white boy who sat next to him, not very white as in rich and influential, but skin just void of colour, very white. Inaco tried to keep to himself but that was impossible, his chains and the small space left on his seat meant their legs pressed together. Neither of them were happy about the forced contact, Inaco unsettled and Dontrell feeing his privacy ignored, annoyed by the situation. Dontrell looked down at Inaco and grunted at the state of him and his overall appearance. Inaco kept his eyes forward, not looking up at the much larger man. To Dontrell, Inaco looked more like a victim than a perp, badly beaten with innocent looks, lacking the brute strength and the conviction to cause great harm to another, and yet he was heavily restrained. This peaked Drontrell's curiosity, what had the young white boy done?

"First time?" Dontrell spoke up, not looking at Inaco, but out of the window as the officers carried their labelled belongings into the storage compartment of the bus beneath them. To Inaco his words seemed more like a statement than an actual question, the man's voice was deep, low in volume and smooth. Inaco looked up at Dontrell and pondered his answer.

"First time getting caught, and the last." he replied and the large man turned to look at Inaco but he had already looked away, eyes forward as a few officers climbed into the bus and took the front seats, adding to their entourage, the bus doors hissed closed again and the bus clunked as the driver pulled away from the pavement.

"The experience put you off already huh? We haven't even got to prison yet." Dontrell told Inaco with amusement in his voice, almost a chuckle.

"I think you misunderstood, I mean to say that I will never get the chance to commit another crime to go to prison for." Inaco corrected Dontrell, who frowned at the white boy's words, he spoke well, maybe he was, well you know 'white', nowadays they tried to be cool, white boys, try to talk like they were black, he wasn't one of those evidently. But the meaning behind the words, did he not hold high hopes for his existence in prison? Did he already guess that his ass will be taken, those would try to claim him as theirs, a possession, or simply just kill him when they got bored, or if he said the wrong thing. It wasn't a nice thing to think about, someone so young already accepting his nearing death, and the violence he would suffer before that. Or was it something else, did he get life?

Dontrell was about to say something when another inmate across the bus isle from them spoke up. "Ey why you talking to that white boy D? Wanna piece of that ass I bet." the man smirked at Dontrell, two of his teeth plated with gold. He was an ashen tone, mid 20's, ebony dreads falling into his eyes, very dark eyes with a leery gleam, thick eyebrow pierced with a gold loop. He was on the tall and skinny side, but had muscle tone, overall sleeves tied around his waist, vest on show, it wasn't that it was warm on the bus, it was a way to show off.

"Fuck off Ty, I got tired of talking to your skinny ass." Dontrell grumbled as a reply. Inaco's lips pressed into a thin line but other than that his face was expressionless, just staring ahead, looking very bored.

"You been looking then?" the man called Tyrese laughed jokingly and Dontrell just rolled his eyes, knowing he was being messed with. He looked down at Inaco, who seemed unfazed by the topic, almost like he wasn't even listening, which he had to, no one was fortunate enough to turn off their hearing at will, not matter how much they might want to.

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