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HE LOOKED PLEASED, which didn't come as a surprise. Especially considering they were rivals.

"I like Gus, but just as a friend. I'm only going to the dance because he asked and it seemed like a good idea at the time."

"And now it doesn't?"

Not while I was sitting next to him. I knew he was just doing my grandmother a favor by giving me a ride. But, he could have made up an excuse not to. And maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, but I felt like he actually wanted to drive me home. He could have very easily bowed out when Gus had showed up at the diner.

"I just don't want to lead him on," I replied.

"Just be open and honest."

"Yeah. I'm planning on it."

"So, are you going to Jason Sharkey's party tomorrow?"

"I think so." The butterflies in my stomach began to dance.

Did he want me there?

"Are you?" I asked.

"I don't know yet."

"Do you have to work?"


He was silent for a few seconds and then said he had some things going on.

"Another race?"

"Not exactly."

Was he seeing Mattie?

"Do you know if Mattie's going?"

He suddenly looked uncomfortable. "Probably. Another reason I probably shouldn't go."


"Because she's pissed at me for breaking up with her."

I bit back a smile.


"Honestly, I think she's the one who keyed your car," I said.

"No. It wasn't her."

I raised my eyebrow. "And you're sure because...?"

"Of what was written on the door."

"Which was?"

He hesitated and then sighed. "It said 'Mattie's Bitch'."

I cringed. "Oh."

He scowled. "Yeah. Pretty fuckin' immature."

"Well, if it would have been me, I'd have keyed 'asshole' or 'prick'," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckled. "You and a lot of other people. I was actually thinking Gus might have been the culprit. Especially after that comment he made the other day about seeing Mattie at some party last summer."

"Yeah, he might be jealous. Maybe I can get him to confess to me on our date."

"Will you tell me if he does?"

I nodded. "He'll probably deny it later, but at least you'll know."


"No problem."

He turned on some music and we were both quiet for the rest of the ride. When we pulled up to my grandmother's place, Chase turned the music off.

"Well, thanks again," I said, reaching for the door handle.

"No problem. Hey, can I ask you a personal question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

I stared at him curiously. "What is it?"

The Burn - High School Bully RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now