"I hope that's the case, Mattie. I really do," I said sincerely.

Glaring up at me, she started the engine and then tore out of the parking lot.

I got into my Mustang and drove to the diner, my mind still on Mattie. Her refusal to accept that our relationship was over was both annoying and worrisome. I was beginning to feel that we couldn't even be friends. But, we hung out with the same people and I wasn't going to make anyone choose sides. I just wanted everything to be cool between us, but from what I'd seen tonight, it might not ever be the case.

Pushing aside the troubling thoughts, I arrived a couple of minutes early and headed inside. Mackenzie saw me and skated over.

"I'm almost done. I just have to punch out and change into my shoes."

"No rush," I replied, noticing she looked a little anxious and disheveled. Something told me she'd had a frantic night, even though the place seemed pretty dead at the moment. "Take your time."

"Okay." She skated away.

I walked over to the bulletin board, next to cash register, and began reading about the awards the diner had gotten. There was everything from Best Small Town Burger Joint to Best Fifties Diner in the Midwest.

"Hey, look who's here," said a voice behind me.


It was Gus.

I turned around and saw Gus with another guy from Lancaster. Both had on their letterman jackets. "Hey, what's up?"

"I dropped by Mackenzie's place and her grandmother said she was working here. I thought we'd stop in and sample some pie."

The other guy, Joe, chuckled.

"I bet," I replied.

"Where's the bathroom here?" Joe asked.

I pointed toward the back of the restaurant.

"I'll be right back." He took off toward the restrooms.

"So, what are you doing here, Adams?" Gus asked.

"I was going to grab a bite but then noticed she was working. I was just about to leave."

"You'd better not be sticking around. Have you been keeping your end of the deal?"

"Yeah," I lied. "I mean, we see each other in school, so I can't avoid her totally. But, I haven't made any moves or anything." I noticed Mackenzie looking at us curiously from across the room and knew I had to do something fast before she came over. Gus could not find out that I was giving her a ride. An idea came to me. "Dude, you've got some shit in your teeth. You might want to check that out in the restroom."

He tried picking at his teeth.

"It's still there."

"Fuck." He took off toward the bathroom.

I hurried over to Mackenzie.

"I see Gus is here," she said, not looking very enthused.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll meet you outside, behind the diner. Do me a favor and don't tell him I'm giving you a ride home. He might get the wrong idea. We're not exactly friends."

She nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay. No problem. I'll meet you in the back parking lot. So he doesn't see me get in."

"Good idea." I turned around and left the restaurant. As I was getting into my car, I wondered if he'd volunteer to drive her home.

What would she tell him?

I started the engine and drove behind the building. A couple of minutes later, she walked out of the back door carrying her skates.

"Hi," she said, getting into the car.


I waited for her to buckle up and then drove through the parking lot. I wasn't sure what Gus was driving, but I assumed he'd stayed to eat.

"Did Gus ask if you needed a ride home or anything?"

"Yeah. I told him I was getting a ride from a co-worker."

"Good idea."

"You really didn't want him to know, huh?" she said, sounding more amused than anything.

"No. He wouldn't like it."

"I felt kind of funny lying. I could have just told him that my grandmother had set it up. Or, I don't know, I guess I could have just accepted the ride and gave you a break."

"It's no big deal. I don't mind picking you up."

"Well, thanks again."

"No problem. So, are you two officially dating?"


"Does he know that?"

"God, I hope so," she mumbled.

I smiled.

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