The Corsair

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So yeah HIYA! to anyone who reads this hehe. this is one of my first storys that i've ever wrote and im not the best writer but i do enjoy it :D so anyways i hope you enjoy my first story as much as i enjoyed to make it :)

- Lovely

    Halloween night is my daughter Evelines favorite holiday, I always perferred christmas simply because it was a speacial holiday for me and my family where we spent time together. But halloweens Evelines favorite and not at all what it used to be, the candy chaanges , custome changes, and believe it or not even people change. Before Eveline loved dressing up as a divine little princess or a fairy or even a fairy princess. But this year she renounced he pretty little fairy princess costume and instead requested a pirate costume, corsair to be percise. The pirates hat looked so adorable on Evelines head, since she has light brown hair with a touch of gold the hat really compliments her face and hair all in one. The rest of the costume does not look bad at all, rather more realistic than just a fake attire for one night. Not to mention the costumes not at all at what i expected, i expected a pirates costume to be more rubbish maybe even torn at one point, but not one lock of thread hanging.

     Eveline was just finishing tying up her firery red corset and placing her jacket on top as a finishing touch for her costume. I cant help but admire how realistic the costume looks as if she ready to sail the seas right now. shes only 16 but her height makes people assume shes 14 or so. She took with her a pillow case and a water bottle incase she got thirsty, but the pillow case looked as if it carried more objects inside. I just put that thought aside, what harm can it do? Eveline look a bit upset and glum before she left as if to miss something or someone. I thought maybe it was her grandfather she might have been thinkking of. He was mentioned to be a privateer back in his days, her costume could have reminded her of him. But buy the look on her face i can tell that was not it, she was inspired but her loving grandfather to be a pirate for halloween but i didnt think hes the reason why shes so upset. To stop me from jumping to conclusions i asked her if there was anything wrong or at least anything that bothered her. In reply she just shook her head and waved goodbye but not before giving me a braceful hug . she must have been really upset if she hugged me like that but i just couldn't put my finger on it.

      I couldnt do much but just sit in the family room and ponder of all the possibilities of what  could have gone wrong. Was her costume not what she wanted?.... Did she have an argument with a friend or somehing?....nothing. I layed on the couch for who knows how long and before i knew it i was fast asleep. I arouse to hear myself gasp in horror as i realised how late it was and how Eveline was not home yet. Which led me to remember my dream. It was...realistic and was that Eveline had left my side and sailed the a corsair.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2012 ⏰

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