"Then let's get a move on." She commanded, exiting the aircraft as her squad followed her, Bianca trailing behind lethargically. She wasn't very fond of this new girl.

This specific Primus base-also known as The Nexus-was much grander in scale than the last few military compounds they'd fought at. It towered over the four young agents like a mountain to an ant.

Shadows casted by the colossal structure proceeded to return Dylo's shivers to his body as the dazzling sun was blocked out of his view. His childish, vacant blue eyes darted around the barren, bereft landscape, bouncing off it's arid features like a hockey puck.

While the headquarters in Ohio had at least been engraved within a murky, suffocating forest, The Nexus stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of nowhere.

Eliza guided them over, taking cover behind one of the many treeless mounds of dirt, which littered the dry environment like spots of paint on a black canvas.

Dylo carefully examined the plethora of blades that littered the girl's combat suit, assuming that she had every knife in the world on her body at the moment. Tactical knives, combat knives, pocket knives, even a freaking machete. Anything other than a sword, really.

"Hey, my eyes are up here, pal." The dagger-wielding brunette said to the blond, assuming that he'd been looking at something else. The boy's eyes widened. He was essentially paralyzed with embarrassment as his cheeks flushed red.

Adam nearly burst out laughing. He'd only known Eliza for about a week and he already liked her better than Bianca.

Eliza peered over her shoulder, poking her head out from behind the mound of dirt as she surveyed the front entrance. The only means of security around the anterior seemed to be two armed guards, and they looked to be relatively untrained.

They weren't even wearing their combat helmets, which were standard issue.

Eliza's face lit up as her impenetrable blue eyes glinted. She reached down to her pocket, her fingers swiftly locking onto the black hilt of one of her daggers. Using her middle finger as the fulcrum, she spun the blade forward a few times.

Adam figured it was some sort of warm-up.

He could barely even register the girl's wrist flick as the dagger flew from her palm. All he heard was the swish of the razor-sharp projectile as it soared through the air.

A thwacking sound entered and exited his ear canals as he cut his widened eyes over to one of the guards. The man struggled to speak as he choked on the blade-mostly because it had gone through his Adam's Apple.

Blood from his severed carotid made one hell of a painting on his suit as the guy staggered, then dropped.

The second operative barely had a chance to react as the point of a second knife was jutting out from the back of his neck. A steady river of blood trickled down his neck as his back struck the mangled concrete.

"Did- did you just kill them?" Bianca's voice was an octave above a whisper. Adam nearly vomited at the sight. Dylo, however, wasn't phased at all. He'd become desensitized to such gruesome sights in the past few months.

"Would you rather them kill us?" Eliza retorted, an irritated expression plastered on her facial features.

Bianca couldn't muster up an adequate reply.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now