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I checked the clock it was EVENING?! WHAT THE FUCK?! AND WHY WAS I SLEEPING? I thought. I was about to get out of bed but I realized I was naked, and then it hit me

"Someone's hard"


"It will fit"

"ahh. Fuck Taehyung"

"Fuck Jungkook you're so tight"

"AHHHHHHHH!!!I" I screamed. Throwing my hands in the air and grabbing my head.

The door slammed open, and a very
concerned Taehyung stood there, already stabbing with his looks.

"WHAT" he barked.
"Did u see a monster in your dream?"
"Did somebody steal your candy?"
"What no Tae-"
"THEN SHUT YOUR TINY MOUTH! I NEED PEACE!" 'these humans are truly crazy'' he said to himself and slammed the door shut.

"Wha... What just happened?" I thought.

"You need to come back"

"Hello to you too Jimin"

"I'm serious kook, you need to come back home, it's been too long already"

"What are you talking about Jim? Besides it's amazing here"

"Do you still have work there?"

"Yea we still have the last document, he needs to sign it so I can make the call, why?"

"How long will it take?"

"Jim what's wrong with you? Why are you being so-"

"Answer the question kook"

"I don't know hyung it depends on him, just why would you-"

"Don't let him take his time, finish your work and come back soon, or I will bring you back myself"

"Wha- hello? Hello Jimin?"

He hung up on me what the fuck? And why would he ask me to come back sooner? What's with the interrogation? Something's not right
here, I've noticed that since day one Maybe it's high time I really find out why something's so off about this place or this man. Why would a normal person refer to us as humans? Is he not human too?

"Taehyung seems to be in a very bad mood today" Jungkook said to himself. He walked down the hallway, tracing his fingers against the wall. The huge portraits hanging loosely on the wall, most of them dusty and crooked.

This place must be a hundred years he thought. Over the days Jungkooks feelings had grown stronger for the tall black haired male. He didn't really think the other one felt the same way, but the sex had definitely shocked him.

He came across a rusty old portrait, a dirty red cloth draped over it, covering the picture. Jungkook raised his hand in order to peel the cloth off the portrait so he could see what's beneath it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you babyboy" a voice spoke.
Jungkook turned around to face Taehyung, he was leaning against the wall, he walked towards the brown haired boy. He pushed him against the wall and pressed his lips against the male.

Their lips moved in sync, emotions tangling in the process. Jungkook
pushed him away and ran, giggling.
He ran straight to his room not thinking to look back and check if he was following. He grabbed the door and shut himself inside.

Panting, he turned around, and screamed at the sight before him, eyes wide, his mouth hanging open and eyebrows crooked.

Taehyung stood in front of him, smiling like a school kid. Batting his eyelashes, his doe eyes shows innocence.

Night Bites - Taekook ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ