part 2: the true power of the dojutsu are reviled

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Hi-deamon talking
My-deamon thinking
Gennin-author talking
Shadow clone jutsu-jutsu obviously

Time skip 1 week third person POV
saskue, hinata!
Yes naruto said both of them
I was able to learn how to use our power to the fullest. Said naruto
Ok how? Asked saskue and hinata.
Ok you see those marks on your hands right? Asked naruto
Yes? Said both of them
Face the marks towards each other and say this chant. Hai.
ngamandla elanga, inyanga nezinkanyezi sifisa ukwazi ubukhulu bamandla ethu ngokugcwele

All three pass out from chakra exation later in the hospital 1 week
Nnnnn jiji? What happened. Asked naruto. I was hoping you could tell me you along with your friends calapse from chakra exation. Ok now I remember I will tell you when the other two wakeup in your office.
Oh they are already up and waiting in my office for you. Ok jiji let's go.
*time skip 5 min later*
Ok let me get this straight naruto you are friends with the kui-kurama and he said to try this chant with your marks inorder to learn the full extent of your power but it caused chakra exation and it worked. Asked hireozen
Yep prity much.
Ok why am I not suprised. Asked hireozen.
Oh and jiji I have an proposition for you.
Oh and what is that you let us be on a team and let us train outside the village secretly of course we return for the gennin exams and I tell you the secret to paperwork and of course we won't be NOTICED when we leave as we will still technicality be in the village and we will worry about making it look legit ok.
Yes please I'll do anything for the key to beating paperwork. Hokage jiji begged. Well you see shadow clones I know that it is illegal to use shadow clones to sign the documents but they can sort it for you and all you have to do is sign the ones that you're clones have put in the approved spot and at the end of the day you receptionist collects It and sends it back. Thank you naruto but how will you make it legit to be put on the same team. Asked hireozen. Well you see jiji i can create what is known as a blood clone of myself and other people. So I make blood clones for me hinata and saskue without our new power of course and they will play the part of a emo who wants revenge on the person who killed his clan a shy but determined girl who wants to be the best for her naruto-kun and the thick headed masivious boy who loves ramen and wants attention good or bad who hates the emo. Said naruto. Ok makes sense but how will you hide your identity and escape the village. That is for us to know and for you to find out. Ok saskue hinata I need some of your blood. 1 slit of your wrist should be just good enough. Ok
Saskue naruto and hinata slot there wrist
Blood clone jutsu:fake identities. Said naruto
Ok you clones know what you have to do we will dispel you a night before the gennin exams. Go now. Said naruto
Wait said hireozen.
Yes jiji/hokage-sama. I have a mission for you. You are to look at the criculum of the academy and tell me of changes you believe I should make based on your own experience. Hai
You got your orders and make sure no one knows. Said naruto
Ok jiji this is goodbye for now. Said naruto close to tears. Goodbye naruto my boy.
Saskue its time. Said naruto
Hai. said Saskue
Ok I am going to make us masks to hide our secret identities. Said naruto 
What do you wanna represent. Asked naruto
A dragon said hinata.
A wolf said saskue
A Phoenix I said.
Bonso Sinso
Ok now that I created the mask I will add a Indetratibal seal a genjutsu seal and a lock seal.
*after that*
Here you guys go ima add some seals to you guys in order to help training. Ok naruto said both of them.
*after automatic weight resistance and gravity seals are placed on them I will give a explanation at the end of the chapter*
every day we will do a kilometer run after that we will do a 100 sit ups and 100 pushups in the morning in the afternoon we will train our chakra amount to handle the stress of our new power via seals that will activate with a press of a button an put it inside the seal and then it will release after the button is pressed again. This will happen for 1 year.  Then we master our new power for 1 year.  we learn jutsu for 1 year. We do personalized stuff for 1 year.
Then we get some experience by doing bounties and other missions for 2 years. Said naruto
Ok let's get started tomorrow.

Ok that is the end ok so I am making it so that people get in the academy at age 6 and graduate at the same time as canon and
The automatic strength seal formula is A automation seal that increases the other seals as the body can handle it.
The weight seals goes up to 10 than it resets and adds to a resistance seal witch goes up to 20 than it resets and adds 1 gravity seal witch is infinate.
Until next time

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