Chapter 1

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"Please just come back," I cried into his chest. "You can't leave me now." I gripped his shirt tightly with my fingers trembling as I pulled the fabric up, tugging him to pull him closer to me. His body was heavy, and I was weak, unable to exert any more strength. The blood gurgled in his throat and I screamed so loud the windows shattered around me, shards of glass flying everywhere.

I gasped as I woke up from the nightmare, the same one that haunted me for more than three years. It always ended the same, and yet each time I awoke shaken to my core and out of breath. I was covered with cold sweat and I had kicked the comforter off of me in my slumber. I looked over and saw Coit sleeping peacefully. I grabbed my stomach and waited for my baby girl to move against my palm. I focused on my breathing, trying to pull myself from the dream.

Once I felt her kick, I used the bed to sit myself up, struggling as my belly worked against me. I sat on the edge, facing away from Coit as I wiped my face on my cotton night gown. The windows were open, letting in a soft breeze that caused me to shiver. I stood up shakily and crept out of the bedroom. I tiptoed down the hall and stepped into Kaleb's bedroom.

His duvet was covered in spaceships and stars and was covering every inch of his tiny body. I moved to his bed and sat down on the edge. I pulled the blanket down, unveiling his tiny face. His mousy brown hair stuck out wildly on his head and I studied his long lashes as he breathed deeply. I rubbed his cheek and he stirred slightly. He was so stubborn, the cause of many headaches and stress. He reminded me of his father, resilient and determined.

I smiled as I watched him. This was my routine every night. The nightmare would arrive, and I would end up in his room, the closest thing I had left of Kaleb.

"What are you doing?" My head snapped towards the door and I saw Coit with his hands wrapped around the door frame on each side. He was shirtless and his pajama pants were pulled up on one leg. He had cut his long curls. His hair wasn't as short as Luca's, but it was different. I was still adjusting to the new length.

I stood up and walked towards him. "I couldn't sleep." He pulled me closer to him, my belly bumping into his chiseled abdomen. He looked down at my swollen body and cupped my pregnant belly in his hands. "Let's go back to bed," he whispered as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. He grabbed my hand and led me to our room. I hurried along, on my tiptoes trying to keep up with him.

I almost ran into the back of him when he stopped abruptly, whirled around and scooped me up in his arms. I shrieked and laughed as he carried me the rest of the way. "Put me down! You're going to throw your back out!" I cried as he smiled down at me. He laid me gently on the bed and climbed in hovering over me, careful not to put any weight on me.

"I'm going to miss you when I leave tomorrow," he sighed. I rubbed his cheek where the stubble had started growing. "I miss you already." I missed pulling his hair. I ran my hands where I would normally pull him down to me and groaned. He shook his head but smiled at me. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. He rolled off of me and lay flat on his back with one hand tucked behind his head.

I looked over at him and raised my brows. "I want you on top," he smirked at me. My eyes widened. "Um, no," I blurted out.

He ran his finger down my arm, "Please. You won't see me for a whole two weeks." He poked his bottom lip out and I knew he was going to win this fight. "I'm almost as big as this house and you want me to climb on top of you," I groaned. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a sitting position. He patted his thighs, indicating that he wanted me to sit on them. I pushed myself up onto my knees and sat atop of him.

He pulled my night gown over my head, my full breasts bouncing as he did so. I raised myself up slightly so he could pull his pants down. I slowly lowered myself on him and covered my face with my hands. He pulled my hands down and held them down at my side. "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

I felt the blush creep across my face. Even after all these years, he still had that effect on me. I tilted my head at him and smiled as I rested my palms on his chest, rolling my hips as he dug his nails into the sides of my thighs.

I released all of my fears and worries as he released himself.

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