ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ/ᴛʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ

Start from the beginning

Sungjae and Moonbin went beside the two of us.

" hey Sinb, how is it here?" -Moonbin

" i-it is fine." -Sinb

Me and Sungjae looked at each other while giggling in the sight of them being so sweet with each other.

" you know, why don't you guys try to date? I mean you guys look good together." -Sungjae

The two of them looked away to hide the blush on their cheeks.

" even though you guys look away, we can see the blush on your faces." -Gaeun

Sinb glared at me and put her index finger in front of her lips.

" alright, Sinb unnie. Me and Sungjae will just go prepare the kimchi." -Gaeun

I said as I pulled Sungjae with me to chop the meat.

" Yah, Yook Gaeun. Focus on cutting the meat, or else you might cut your fingers." -Sungjae

Sungjae's words pulled me out of my imagination.

" it is just, they look good together. I wish I can find a guy like Moonbin." -Gaeun

I sighed while looking at meat I am chopping.

" Yah, yah, yah, Yook Gaeun. What are you talking about huh?" -Sungjae

" you are being overprotective, I know." -Gaeun

" you will find a guy that is perfect for you Gaeun-ah, someday." -Sungjae

I smiled.

" by the way did you meet the new princes?" -Sungjae

" yes, why?" -Gaeun

" um, just asking." -Sungjae

" alright." -Gaeun

I looked back at the two lovebirds and accidentally hit my hand with the knife.

" ow!" -Gaeun

I hissed causing Sungjae to look at me.

" I told you to focus on the meat. The meat!" -Sungjae

Sungjae took my wounded hand and blow it before pulling me to our house.

He started to look for the first aid kit and treat my wound.

" I told you to focus right?" -Sungjae

I pouted as I look at Sungjae who is putting the band aid over my wound.

" sorry." -Gaeun

Sungjae looked at me and smiled.

" it's alright. I will take care of the meat, you stay here." -Sungjae

I nodded as he walked to the table and continue on chopping the meat.

A/n's Pov.

Gaeun find it really boring to just stay there and sit while the others are doing some things.

She pouted and looked around the house.

Gaeun saw the stick she was using a while ago and took it before practicing again.

She swirled the stick around as if she was fighting with somebody.

" Gaeun-ah!" -Sungjae

She heard her brother shouted and immediately looked at him.

" yes, hyung?" -Gaeun

Sungjae rolled his eyes as he giggle and walked towards her little sister.

" let's eat." -Sungjae

" how about the two of them?" -Gaeun

Gaeun pointed at Sinb and Moonbin.

" just let them have their time." -Sungjae

He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and walked to a table to eat.

Sungjae led the prayer before eating.

" aren't they going to eat with us?" -Gaeun

The two of them looked at the two person who are eating food on the other table.

" like what I said, let them have their own time." -Sungjae

Gaeun chuckled before putting one spoon of meat on her mouth.

" so how is your training?" -Gaeun

" it is alright, kind of hard but just trust God and you can do it." -Sungjae

Gaeun smiled at her brother's words.

" I wish I can go train with you." -Gaeun

" I can teach if you wanted to." -Sungjae

" really? Thank you Sungjae-ah." -Gaeun

The younger hugged her brother so tight.

" if you want we can train right now since we just ate a bit only." -Sungjae

Gaeun smiled and immediately stood up before grabbing the stick and pointing it at Sungjae.

Sungjae took a stick nearby before tapping it on his sister's stick.

" come on." -Sungjae

Sungjae started to attack Gaeun but she blocked every move that Sungjae do.

" Wow, you know how to block my attacks. But how about... Sudden attacks!" -Sungjae

He yelled before attacking Gaeun and hitting her arm causing her brother's eyes to widen.

Sungjae immediately walked to his sister's side and started to massage her arm.

" Yah, that hurts." -Gaeun

She playfully hit her brother's arm.

" I am really sorry, I thought you can block it." -Sungjae

She glared at Sungjae before taking the stick and was about to hit her brother with it but Sungjae managed to block her attack.

" yah! Don't do that Yook Gaeun! And you know I should teach you what to do when somebody does a sudden attack." -Sungjae

He took the stick and taught Gaeun to block the attacks.

" Sungjae! Moonbin! We should go now!" -trainee

Sungjae nodded before he bid goodbye to his little sister and so did Moonbin to Sinb.

Gaeun's Pov.

Sinb walked beside me as she waved at Moonbin.

She sighed happily while still looking at him.

" did something happened?" -Gaeun

The smile fades from Sinb's face.

" why?" -Sinb

" you are smiling." -Gaeun

Sinb giggled and put her arm around my shoulder.

" Moonbin... And I... Confessed." -Sinb

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