Third year | Invisible Snowball fight

Start from the beginning

Adrian must've been so scared by her look that he let out everything he heard. I was scared now too, her face was calm, but her eyes burned with fury.

She smiled, "Well, when we get off of the train, maybe I should have a little chat with them."
I looked at Millicent, we knew she was going to do something to them, and it wouldn't be good.

Draco's POV ~

I held back my tongue as they talked bad about her. If I showed I was soft, they'd know I liked her and I couldn't let that happen.

"Her family is losing power gradually, obviously she's trying to get Malfoy to make up for it." one laughed.

They were on the quidditch team too, and one of the players who wanted her off the team.

"If that were even remotely true, then why not go for someone like Potter?" Another asked.

"He's just the chosen one, not a Malfoy. I'll admit though, she is attractive, so she's good eye candy." They laughed as I sat there, disgusted.

I waited in silence for the rest of the train ride, hoping something would happen to him for talking bad about her like this.



Small time skip ~

We went around a few places, there's only so much you can do at Hogsmeade. We went through an alleyway to get to one of the other stores, but something stopped us. Well...someone.

"Move out of the way, Riddle!" They spat at her.

She didn't budge, "Are you deaf? I said move!"

They tried to push past her, but she didn't let them. She extended her leg out, kicking the boy hard.

He fell to his knees, "Watch it! You blood traitor, bitch!"

She grabbed him by the collar, "Speak ill of me again and you'll see the full extent of what I can do."

She threw him to the ground, snapping her attention to the other boys.

"I'm not even going to bother with you lot, but I will have some fun." she brought her hands up and they all levitated, she then slammed them against the wall.

They floated there, scared,
"Say anything again, then it'll be worse. I won't even need to utter a spell to get you to cry."

Right as soon as she released them, they all got up and ran away scared, but I didn't.

"You finally listened to me." I said.

She looked at me with a look that could kill.

"I actually didn't, Malfoy. Unlike you, I don't take my emotions out on other people. What I just did was defense against bullies, and you're lucky I didn't know I could do that when we met." She turned around and walked away.

I left too, finding Crabbe and Goyle we stuck together the rest of the time. We had heard about the shrieking shack, so we headed that way to see if it lived up to its name.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now