Ginger OC X Frost Chapter 2

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Suddenly, Frost gagged as a figure landed a big kick behind his back. "Frost!", Ginger yelled and watched him fall onto the ground. Frost gagged as he gasped for air, trying to stand up, but a person's foot stomped on his tail. Hit stood there as he had Frost in his grasp. He lifts the Ice-Jin up by the neck, making Frost gagged. 

"Hit!", she roared at him and transformed into a super saiyan, "Unhand my lover now!!" She charges at the man, but he used his time skip and landed a loud and powerful slap on her left cheek.

She grunted as she fell onto the ground, next to the flowers. She winced in pain and looked up, and saw Hit about to kill Frost. "Please Hit! Let him go!", she pleaded. Hit look at her with his serious red eyes, "I told you Ginger, this is a one man's job. Emotions like yours are not tolerated and we must kill him." 

Ginger stood up and rushed over to Hit, pounding onto his body, "No! Please let Frost live! I love him! Why can't you bastards leave us alone!!?", she cried hard, weakly hitting him. Her mentor looks at her in awe, he does regret making her his student.

"G..Ginger", she heard Frost call her name. She gasps in shock and looks at him. "I...wanted to say thank you for loving me. But there's no need to escape this. It's my fate to be killed to bring peace to everyone I hurt", he said calmly. More tears falling down her face. Frost's hand reached over and cupped her cheek; he smiled softly, "I love you Ginger. No one can replace you. I hope you'll be happy without me", he said. Ginger cried loudly, emotionally depressed and fell onto her knees.

Hit groaned in frustration, and glared at Frost, "Why Frost? Why did you torture her with these affections? Why? Do you know how this will hurt her heart?", he demanded. Frost gave him a sad smile, " I do not regret falling for her. She really completes my happiness and I want to bring her happiness by killing me." Hit looked dumbfounded, really impressed how Frost changed. 

Hit smirked, "Then, I shall end your life", but his arm is held by Ginger's hand. "No Hit, let me kill him", she said, now over her tears. Hit look at her with depressed eyes yet he can tell that she's ready. Hit lift Frost down, Frost's now on his knees.

"Do it right Ginger", Hit said and walked over to the tree. Ginger nodded and walked closer to Frost. Frost sat up and stared at Ginger, smiling. Ginger sighed, raised her hand as a ki blade appeared. "Frost", she mutters, "I love you." Frost smiled, the reflection of the blade in his eyes. He closed his eyes and smiled, "I love you Ginger~" She swiftly charges the ki blade....

Ending 1

Frost waited for his death. But he opened his eyes in shock. Ginger purposely missed, allowing her to whisper, "Frost, leave right now. I'll find you someday and we'll be together forever. Now go." Frost started flying off to the cargo bay. Hit gasp in shock and growled. He was about to fly off but he was stuck. He glared at Ginger who used her time skip to give Frost some time.

She was able to endure and enhance the timing of the technique, she finally stopped her time skip after twelve hours. Hit growled as he tried to find Frost's energy. "It's too late Hit", Ginger said, "He already hides his ki and now elsewhere where you'll never find him." Hit closed his eyes, felt betrayed. 

He walks past her and stops. "You're a failure Ginger. This will be on you", he warned. But he turned to his side as Ginger tossed something next to him. It was Frost's tail that she cut off. "Then use this as a cover up. People will never know and I'll make sure you get paid for this", Ginger said, "But now, my mission is finally over." 

Hit turned to her, "Where are you going?", he asked. She smiled at him, "Thank you for your three years of training, my mentor. But now I'm ready to go solo. And be with Frost for good. Goodbye Hit", she said. Hit smirked, "Better not find you", he said. She smiled, used her time skip, and vanished.

Complete: Dragon Ball Super Oneshots Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon