I ~ Off with your head! (part 1)

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 ⚠ religious themes, abuse of power, mentions of blood, decapitation and death 


The warm light of the sunset filled the room. Grim was sitting beside the bed, enjoying his long awaited reward for the efforts from two weeks before, while Yuu closed the bag containing all of his few belongings.

"How long will you be away?" his roommate asked. He was leaning his back on the opposite wall, gazing at his friend.

"I don't know." Yuu's voice devoid of emotion.

The other boy smiled "You must be happy... becoming an exorcist's apprentice isn't something that happens every day. You'll be able to help others in a way all of us here can just dream about! Isn't it great?"

Yuu couldn't even look at him, his dark eyes shining with suppressed anger. 

After all those years and all those dreams... he didn't even know if he'll ever return.

As the taller boy walked next to his friend, bittersweet memories filled Yuu's mind, making his heart heavier in his chest than it already was. Tears escaped from his shut eyes, staining the other's shoulder as he abandoned himself into the hug... and the guilt.

I'm sorry I left the abbey that night.

I'm sorry I didn't let you come with me that night.

I'm sorry I made you worry for me that night.

I'm sorry I'm leaving you behind when we could have left together.

"I'm sorry... " Yuu's voice trembled.

"You shouldn't." his childhood friend comforted him.


At the break of dawn, a black, less fancy carriage was waiting in front of the abbey. Crowley and Deuce were already there when Yuu and Grim arrived.

"'Morning Yuu! Have you seen Ace?"

"'Morning! No, I thought he was here with you..."

"Sorry for the wait!" Ace appeared shortly after with a laid-back smile.

"There you are" Crowley had his arms crossed, slightly annoyed.

As soon as they got inside, the carriage began to move, leaving the Old Abbey behind. Yuu looked out the window, only to see his friend among the other kids and teens. He was giving him a warm, reassuring smile, despite the mournful glint in his eyes.

"I still don't understand something" Grim wondered "why did you take all of us as your apprentices?"

 "Well, I must admit, I've been delaying this for a while..." Crowley smiled, like he had been waiting for someone to ask "I have been planning for quite some time to go on a long journey around the continent, but before that the Council insisted that I had to find an apprentice first" 

"But isn't the rule to choose just one?" Yuu wondered.

"Technically yes, but since there isn't any written rule that states  so I decided to take all three-" Grim left out a low growl, glaring at the man "Pardon – all four of you with me, because I am so gracious!"

"But why? Especially after what happened that night..." Deuce lowered his head. 

"That's the point." he answered with a smile.

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