0 ~ the Beginning (part 4)

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The soft breeze of the night ran throughout the boy's hair as they climbed the rocky path on the mountain's sides, his gaze was lost in the void. "I have a plan" he said when they left the forest. 

I don't know if it's going to work, but we have no other choice. It has to work.

At the top of the mountain, they stopped under some trees not far away from the mine's entrance, making a short recap of the plan before putting it into action.

The boy and his beast companion stayed hidden behind the trees, watching the exorcist disappearing inside the abandoned mine. His voice resounded through the mountain, along with the playful clinking of his golden talismans.

Not too long after, a menacing growl broke the silence, followed by heavy thumps that were approaching at an alarming speed. Crowley rushed outside, and an instant later the point of a large pickaxe hit the ground, almost hitting him.

The monster came out of its mine, the silver light of the moon falling on its deformed black skull, fixed with a bull like neck on its wide shoulders. It raised its overly muscled arms above its small head, ready to deliver the next hit. Crowley swiftly dodged the pickaxe that hit the rock a second time.

The creature's movements were clumsy, but also surprisingly fast despite its tremendously big feet and the short, thick legs. When the two were far enough from the mine's entrance, Crowley threw on the ground a vial filled with a thick, dark orange liquid, blinding the monster with the explosion of light that followed. It growled furiously, hiding its face behind the large hands covered in scars and warts. Yuu and Grim took the chance to run inside the mine.

Grim guided his human companion through the dark corridors. Their steps echoed through the emptiness as they rushed, the golden and blue lights falling on the rusty rails. 

Oh no, I didn't think about this! 

The boy felt his heart skip a beat when they stood in front of a crossroad of tunnels.

"Okay now... which way?" the boy asked through short breaths.

They didn't have time to check every tunnel. Yuu's heart beat like mad as he hoped and prayed until the last moment that his beast friend could sniff out the same smell from the piece of fabric they found back in the forest, despite the faint sulphurous filling the cave's corridors.

Grim turned back to his human companion, letting out a defeated sigh. "Ugh, I can't smell out anything..."

The boy's head was spinning, the rush of adrenaline numbing his thoughts. 

He then took a deep breath and shouted the names of the two.

"What are you doing? You're going to drive the monster here if you shout like this!" 

The boy shouted again, even louder than before. 

"Stop it!" 

The monster growled furiously in the distance.

His body and mind were numb, numberless thoughts taking over him. The few thuds in the distance made both of them shiver. 

A loud noise, then the monster left out a croaky scream. 

Crowley could barely hold the creature back anymore. They were all in danger now, all because of his vague plan.

A familiar voice echoed in the distance, making Yuu jolt in disbelief. He froze, thinking he was hearing things, but the same voice was heard again shortly after. A wide smile appeared on his face as he shouted in the dark, his voice shaking: "Which way?"

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