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Alluring / Al•lur•ing
powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive

January 22nd // England - 6:49pm

Clay drove onto a narrow stone path next to a few trees. They were still close to town, but it seemed as if they had teleport into a forest. There were trees scattered along the path, and at the end there was a clearing. Clay drove all the way to the clearing and parked the car.

George was still fast asleep, so Clay decided to get everything ready before he woke him up. He grabbed the basket from the back seat, and took out a checkered blanket. He spread the blanket out across the grass next to the driver side door. He sat the basket next to his setup and put the CD George had picked into the stereo in his car, not pressing play just yet.

George woke up to a soft touch on his left shoulder. His eyes wondered curiously, trying to figure out just where he was. It was nothing like he had ever seen before. He hadn't thought that this many plants being in one place was even possible, let alone in the end of winter. His eyes landed on Clay's after gazing in awe at the world around him.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

"Where are we?"

"We are at your surprise. Come on."

Clay ran over to the passenger side and opened the door for George. He reached his hand out, quickly to feel George's soft skin warm it. He helped George stand up, and led him over to the blanket. George's eyes quickly lit up faster than a match hitting gasoline.

"What? What is this? Did you do this? Why?"

"It's a picnic, George. Never been on one or something? I've had it planned for a month or so. Consider it a George appreciation act but also a late Christmas gift."

Clay sat down on the blanket while pulling George's arm down, motioning him to sit as well. George sat down carefully, admiring every detail about what was there. He watched the grass blow slightly in the wind, the blanket fold at certain points where the grass was taller than the rest, and even the way Clay was gentle with everything he did. He pulled the fresh fruit they had bought earlier out of the basket. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries came out of the wooden basket one at a time; really any berry you could think of seemed to be there. Clay sat them down so gently the blanket didn't even move. It were as if he had a vision and everything had to be absolutely perfect.

"Okay, this explains the going downtown part. What about the music store, or the package from my house?"

George waited for Clay to answer as he put a strawberry in his mouth. Clay seemed to only stare at his lips as he did it, forgetting for a moment that there was a question he had to answer.

"You'll find out about.."

He looked down at his watch as if he were waiting for the exact second of a certain minute to approach. He looked back up at George, who was still as curious as before. He gazed down back at his watch as he saw the number switch from 7:04 to 7:05. It wasn't that what he had planned had to happen at a certain time, it was just the exact time he always imagined it would be.


He sounded so excited, as if he waited his entire life for this exact minute. He jumped up and grabbed George's wrist, dragging him up and to the front of the car.

"Stay here."

George was so confused. He watched Clay run over to the car, opening the front two doors. He then messed with the stereo and seconds later George heard a song- the song- begin to play.

flowers in your hairOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant