Spring the Trap

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(A/N: all art belongs to their respective owners. If I put something that shouldn't be there, please tell me and I'll replace it with something of my own. Thanks :D)

"Cyan?" Pink gently spoke up, her soothing voice cutting through his thoughts like scissors through paper.
Cyan glanced up, looking back at her, then down at his uneaten food.
"C-cy, hey....you haven't eaten anything. Are you still..." she trailed off, as she slid closer to him on the bench.
"Still hung up on the death of my best friend? yeah..." Cyan's voice wavered, as if he was about to cry.
Pink looked down for a second, then back at him, resting her hand on his shoulder and giving him a gentle squeeze.
"If White hadn't held me back, I could have-" he started, before she cut him off.

"Hey, now. Don't go blaming yourself, ok? if anything, I should have said something as well....Green was a good guy. I'm so sorry" Pink said.
"Yes, you should have said something....." Cyan hissed bitterly, before getting up from the table and storming off to Security, leaving Pink on her own, as the others continued eating and talking amoungst themselves.

Cyan found his way to security and collapsed in the chair, closing the door behind him.
There, he took his helmet off and placed it on the floor, sobbing into his gloved hands to muffle the sounds of his woe.
Despite it being a month or so after, he was still depressed about seeing his friend get ejected and suffer at the hands of the cosmos.
Through his blurry vision, he watched the cameras, hoping to find the true imposter.

Purple and Brown chatting in the hallway of Navigation, Pink rushing to Medbay, Orange milling around and not doing his job, laying on the- HANG ON A MINUTE!!
Cyan zoomed in a bit closer.

He saw Orange laying face down on the floor, a pool of red blood staining his suit.
His helmet, not to mention his head, was seperated from his body, and Cyan could see some severed vertebrae sticking out from the fatal wound.
Cyan couldn't take it; he quickly bent over and vomited into the wastepaper basket that was by the desk, spitting some bile in after the good few seconds of burning fluid spilling out of his nose and mouth.
He let out a couple of coughs, and stumbled to the door, only to find that it was locked shut.

He kicked and pounded on the steel door, yelling out a loud cry of "HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP!!", hearing several footsteps running in all directions.
Putting his helmet on again, he banged on the door again, a loud buzzing siren blaring from all areas of the ship.
His heart beat quicker and quicker as he desperately kicked at the door, yelling out again for someone to help him, as he heard something rattling in the vents.

As quick as they had come, the blaring of the siren stopped, and the door opened, Cyan tumbling right into the arms of Black, the head of security, and a damn hard nut if Cyan ever saw one.
Black stood Cyan back up on his feet, glaring at him sternly from beneath his visor.
"Pull yourself together, man! What the hell happened? why are you shaking?" Black asked firmly, amidst Cyan's frantic babbling.

"Cyan, for God's sake! Calm down! Calm down.." his voice escalated in volume when he saw -and felt- Cyan visibly relax, the recruit taking in shaky breaths to calm himself down.
"What happened?" he asked, Cyan looking at the taller crewmate.
"I was checking the cameras, a-and I was trying to find the imposter. Orange is...o-orange is-" Cyan started, before he was abruptly cut off.
"He's what, private?" Black asked impatiently.
"Sir, orange is dead! Someone cut off his fucking head!" Cyan exclaimed forcibly, taking Black aback.
"And...where is the body?" Black questioned further.
"O-outside Storage" Cyan answered with a slight nod to confirm.

"Bloody Hell.." Black's thick Scottish accent became more husky with fury, looking back at the younger crewmate.
"Come with me, then, lad. We better warn the others" he added, taking Cyan to the cafeteria and hitting the Emergency Meeting button.

"Maaan, fuckin' why? I was in the damn O2, for God sake!" Lime groaned, her Bronx voice showing more in her annoyed tone.
"Lime, read the room, would ya?" Blue spat, glaring at her. He wasn't one for jokes or wisecracks when it came to emergency meetings. Especially when he was pulled from the Reactor.
"Quiet down, everyone. Black has something to say" White reported calmly, looking at Black and giving a slight nod as if to prompt him to continue.

"From what Cyan has told me, Orange has been killed. There's an Imposter still in the Skeld" Black reported.
Several gasps and exclamations of "what?!", "Where?!?!" and "Who did this?!" rang out around the table, Red slamming a hand on the table.
"ENOUGH! We need to find out who this bastard is, and give a report of where we all were. Black was at Security and I was charting the course at Navigation. Cyan, where were you?" Red barked.
"Cyan was trapped in security, sir. That's where I found him" Black reported, only to earn a "jesus Christ" from the frustrated leader.

"I-I was at Communications fixing the transmitter and downloading the needed data" Blue told him.
"Brown and I were at Electrical" Purple reported, Brown giving a nod to confirm his friend's testimony.
"I was........" pink started, then she stopped. Her eyes began to tear up and she gave a shaky breath.
"Pink?" Red urged, in a more gentle voice than he had used before, which was rare for him.
Pink gave a squeak, everyone staring at her, as she silently broke down.
"Pink, you need to give us an answer" Black reiterated in a slightly pleading tone.
He knew she had a thing for Orange; he was one of the ones who she confided in about it, as she wanted to try and make the first move.
Now she wouldn't be able to.

"She was with me" Lime butted in, scowling.
"Ok?! She was with me in the O2, just leave her alone..."
"That's funny...." Cyan started.
"What?" Lime growled.
"I saw her in Medbay..." Cyan replied, not wanting to start a fight.
This signalled a new wave of questions and accusations, Pink sobbing harder as the questions kept flooding towards her like a tsunami.

"Liar!! She was with me!" Lime exclaimed.
"I saw her, Lime! Pull your head out of your ass and listen to me, god damnit! I saw her in Medbay on the cams before I got trapped in the security room. Now, are you gonna admit if she's lying? or if you are?" Cyan declared.
"Keyword being 'before', dumbass! Listen to yourself. Just because your boyfriend got sucked outta the airlock doesn't mean you can take it out on us!" Lime sneered, smirking under her visor.

Cyan's blood boiled.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!! THANKS TO WHAT HAPPENED, HE'S DEAD! AND ORANGE IS TOO, YOU INSENSITIVE BITCH!!" Cyan roared, silencing the table, before Black put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down into his seat.
"Cyan, shut up!" Black warned quietly.
Cyan panted, seeming to quieten down, as Lime rolled her eyes.

"Alright, you all know the drill. We need to vote someone off" Red spoke up sternly.
"I vote Cyan. We don't need a bitter prick around the Skeld, messing things up" Lime smirked.
"Ok, do you wanna take this to the Shield platform? coz that's where we can go" Cyan growled.
"Oooh, I'm sooo scared(!)" Lime mocked, Cyan clenching his fist, relaxing when Red looked at them both with a dark gaze.

"Cast your votes, crew" Red instructed, Cyan and Lime voting for each other.
A few voted for Pink, but most decided to skip the voting altogether.
After the voting was complete, they all got up and went to do their different tasks, Cyan and Lime flipping each other off as they did so.

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