The door creaks open and my team mates all come in talking amongst them. I signal to Luke to come to the water bottles with me and he understands following me closely.

"Is there a reason for your presence here?" I question in a low tone.

"I was walking through the halls and I came across you. Can I watch your training?" He asks and I nod. When I was going to continue the conversation, Bea comes up to me and grabs my arm dragging me to the middle of the team circle.

The usual hour and a half of training seemed to last forever, maybe because I was excited to hang out with the cute ghost that stood in the stances watching my every move. Admittedly, today I wasn't my best. Coach noticed it and warned me about setting the example for the rest of the team. After promising that this was a one time thing, he dismissed me and I hit the showers as quickly as I could.

"You're truly talented!" Luke compliments me as soon as we meet up outside the locker rooms.

"Thank you! It's good to have your hard work noticed." I smile up at him. The janitor walks up the hall and gives me a horrified look. He probably thinks I'm crazy. "Do you have anything to do?" I ask him stopping by my bike.

"Not really, why?" He replies.

"Do you want to come to my house?" I invite casually.

"I-Uh- sure." He accepts nervously. He looked cute when he is all flustered.

"I would offer you a helmet but I don't think you need it." I chuckle while getting on my bike. I gesture for him to seat behind me and he does as he is told, placing his arms around my waist.

I turn on the engine and pull out of the school parking lot, heading to my house that was just a 10 minute drive away from the school. I felt Luke's arms tightening around my waist and I giggled slightly.

"Was this your first time riding?" I question once we stop in my driveway.

"What? Me? No, of course not!" He tries to play it off.

"Sure, big guy. I'm going to pretend I believe you." I laugh loudly and unlock the front door. "Mom?" I yell just to make sure she is not home.

After a few seconds of silence I take that as my answer, grab a pack of cookies and signal Luke to follow me upstairs to my bedroom.

"Your room is so cool!" He grinned at the posters that cover my walls.

"You're a big fan of music." He states.

"Yeah, I love listening to some good music." I confirm.

"Do you play anything?" He questions and I just nod negatively. "Oh why?"

"My dad was pretty against it. I never knew why and I guess I'll never know." I sigh, throwing myself backwards on my bed.

"How so?" He inquired innocently. "Oh! I'm so sorry." He realized.

"It's ok. It was a long time ago." I reassured.

"Can I ask how he died." Luke allows his curiosity to take over.

"He had a lung problem and than he got a fatal pneumonia. I was seven." I recall.

"Now I feel bad about the way I died." He jokingly started. "We had some bad street hot dogs and the next thing we know, we are ghosts in 2020." He finished.

I could see that he was trying to lighten up the mood with his playfulness but it hurt him to talk about this so I decided to put on some music and change the topic of conversation.

"What were you doing alone at the school?" I try to divert the conversation. He told me all about how they found out that their old friend and band mate stole their songs and made a career without even mentioning them and how they went to get revenge on him by spooking him. And that, because of that, he needed a little time alone to clear his head and he decided to take a stroll through the school.

"I think Alex is with his skater boy friend. He is helping us meet this ghost who supposedly can make us visible to confront Bobby." Luke finished. "Oh and Reggie is probably still trying to figure out a way to find his family, they moved and he doesn't know to where." He added.

"Do you really think that you're going to be satisfied once you confront Bobby? I'm telling you that it won't make you feel any better." I tried to convince him, confrontation is never the best option.

"I don't know but I can try... we're just so lost, everything is so different from 95." He sighed and rested his head against the bed.

I tried to put myself on his shoes and realized that I could never understand what he was going through. Dying and appearing in your safe place just to find out that 25 years have passed and that nothing is like what it used to be.

"Why was your father so against you playing instruments?" Luke interrupted my thoughts.

"I never really knew. I was pretty little when he passed away but I do remember that he didn't really talk about his past or family a lot." I started, remembering all the good moments with him. "I think the first and only time that I saw my grandparents was on my father's funeral but I don't even remember what they look like. I think that they never had a good relationship or at least not since the moment I was born." I told him. Why was I trusting this guy with such deep stuff?

"I can teach you a few notes on the guitar." He suggested and before I could tell him that I didn't have one, his guitar fell on his lap out of nowhere.

He put it in my lap and one of his arms circled me, engulfing my left hand and guiding it through the accords. We spent the rest of the afternoon just feeling each other's warmth while he hummed a melody in my ear and I pretended to understand what he was teaching me to play.


AN Just a little bit of romance and another long ass chapter.
I hope you like it and as usual don't forget to leave me your feedback and vote (:
Also I'm curious about your theories.. who do you think said the quote that is on the story's description?

𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄; Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now