I got ice cream and we sat there watching the reruns for a while. After about 4 episodes my phone started ringing. I got up from the couch and walked in the kitchen to answer it.

I answered it, not bothering with Caller ID. "Hel--."

I was cut off by Ashton's panicked voice. "Luke's in the hospital. You need to get here now."

The line went dead. I ran to the door and got my Uggs on. "Lauren, I need you to say here with the kids. I'll have Ashton call you soon."

She nodded, not asking any questions. I rushed out the door and got into my car. I sped of to the hospital, and arrived in about 10 minutes. I parked my car, not bothering whether I was straight or not.

I ran inside, and saw the three guys all bruised up. "Where's Luke?" I shouted.

"He's in surgery." Calum spoke, he had a neck brace.

"What even happened?" I questioned.

"We were gonna drive back to my place and hang out for a bit. Luke was completely drunk so I decided I would drive. But he convinced me to let him drive, and he crashed." Michael said, looking down at the cast on his foot.

I didn't have any words to speak, I just slid down against the wall, and cried. What I think was Ashton, limped over to me and sat down next to me. I looked up and he had a few bruises and cuts. But nothing to serious.

"He's gonna be okay." He said.

"You don't know that. He might not be okay. He could die." I sobbed.

Ashton wrapped an arm around me. "Your right I don't that. But I know Luke isn't stupid enough to leave you. Have faith in him."

I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I rested my head on Ashton's shoulder, and stared around the waiting room.

Family members of all sorts. Kids crying. It was upsetting. We must've been sitting there for two hours until nurse walked in. "Family of Mr. Hemmings?"

I stood up and walked over to her. "Wife?" I nodded. "Well your husband is stable. We just got him out of the operating room. He should wake up soon. You may go visit him if you like."

I nodded, and followed her to his room. She opened up the door, and I let out a cry when I saw him. The nurse got me a chair and then left the room. I sat down and took in his appearance.

Scratches and bruises lining him. Blood seeping through some of the bandages and wraps. Several things hooked up to him. His broken leg.

More tears fell down my face. I grabbed his scratched hand. "Why would you do something so stupid?" I cried.

Even though I knew he was going to be okay. Seeing him like his upset me so much. Soon enough, the guys walked in.

"Aria, you need to go check on the kids. We'll watch him." Calum said.

"No. I'm not leaving him." I snapped.

"Okay, we'll go back and check on the kids. I'm sure Lauren is getting tired." Ashton spoke, I nodded and the guys left.

I stayed there, watching Luke. Not moving one single bit.

The next morning, it was around 10:30 when Calum brought Lucy in with him. Lucy came over and sat in my lap staring at her brother. "Is he gonna be okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, he will be." I told her. She started digging through the side table next to his bed and she found a marker. She walked to the edge of the bed, and started drawing on Luke's cast.

I smiled, and continued watching her. Keeping my grip on Luke's hand though. The doctors said that he should've woken up a few hours ago. But he still hasn't. I'm beginning to worry more now.

At around 6pm the doctor came. "Hello Mrs. Hemmings, I have some news on Mr. Hemmings condition."

I moved Lucy off my lap, and stood up. The doctor started speaking again. "It's seems to have happened that Mr. Hemmings has slipped into a coma."

I fell back into the chair, and began sobbing. I heard the doctor exit the room. Lucy walked over to me and sat in my lap. "Why are you crying? Luke's okay."

"Oh Lucy, there's so much you just don't understand yet. Luke won't be waking up for a while." I told her.

She looked at him, and the back at me. "He's not?"

I shook my head, and she started crying. How am I gonna take care of three kids, one being his sister without his help.

The girls came in, telling me to go home. "I don't want to leave him."

"Aria, you need to go home. Come back tomorrow morning. Go check on your kids. That's what Luke would want you doing."

I sighed, and nodded. Lucy grabbed my hand and we walked out of the hospital. The girls parting a different way to there cars.

Lucy got into the backseat, and I got into the drivers. It was silent as we drove back, the soft sound of All Time Low playing in the background.

We got back to the house, and walked back in. Ashton and Michael were sitting on the couch. "Michael get out." I snapped at him. He's the reason Luke's in the hospital.

"Aria, I really am sorry." He pleaded.

"Oh, and I'm really sorry for forgiving you. How could you be so stupid." I yelled.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Sorry doesn't fix the fact that my husband is in the hospital. Now get out of my house." He nodded and exited.

Ashton gave me a sad smile and walked out. Closing the door behind himself. I walked into the twins room, and they were both sound asleep. Guessing the guys put them to bed.

I walked into Lucy's room, and she was rocking back and forth on her bed, crying. I trudged over to her bed, and sat down next to her.

"I want Luke." She cried.

"I do too." I said, wrapping my arms around her small body.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, cmon lets go."

We walked into me and Luke's room, and she got into the bed. I grabbed one of Luke's shirts and walked into the bathroom. I changed into it, and left my cropped leggings on.

I got into the bed next to Lucy, and she cuddled into Lucy. "I love you Aria."

"I love you too Luce." And then I fell asleep.


A/N: Well I'm crying. Like it's not even funny. I'm such an emotional person lol.

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