Heart like yours

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a/n: I initially wanted to stay with one direction or one direction related songs but this song just fits too good to not use it, enjoy. :)

Harry's POV:

Mitch: "Harry?"

Harry couldn't speak all Mitch could here on his phone was sobbing.

Mitch: "Harry, are you okay?"

Harry sobbed before he was able to answer.

Harry: "No."

Mitch: "Harry, I'll be there in a minute okay?"

Harry nodded his head, the tears had made speaking impossible.

Mitch: "Just don't do anything stupid okay?"

Harry nodded again and forced out a silent "Mhm" before hanging up. He curled his body into a ball, burying his face in a pillow. Only a few minutes later Harry's front door swung open.

Mitch: "What happened?"

Harry sat up, wiped his tears away and tried to look like he was not a mess, without success. Mitch walked over to him and sat down next to him. Harry wanted to speak but every time he started he sobbed and no words would leave his mouth.

Mitch: "Take a deep breath okay? It will be alright."

Harry took a deep breath his voice obviously shaky.

Harry: "He *sobbing* he left."

Harry broke down completely. To say those words hurt so bad that he thought that his heart might explode if he had to say them ever again. Mitch came closer and hugged him. Harry calmed down a little bit and tried to explain what happened.

Harry: "He said that ... that he needed time. That he was ... he felt like he was losing himself. That we jumped into it too fast. He said ... he said he loved me but that he had to go."

Harry started sobbing again. Just the thought of the look in Louis's eyes when he left made him feel sick. He felt like a burden, someone that held him back and wasn't good for him. But he couldn't imagine living without him.

Mitch: "How do you feel?"

Harry: "I ... I don't know *sobbing* I love him and I want him to be happy. *crying* But I don't wanna lose him."

Harry couldn't stop crying the pain was to stronger. The sorrow was too much. It felt he lost him forever.

Harry: "I can't lose him!"

Mitch sat there and listened. There was nothing he could do for Harry in this very moment, except listening to his story and be his shoulder to cry on.

Mitch: "What helped you the last time you felt like this?"

Harry looked up from Mitch's shoulder.

Harry: "Writing?"

Mitch got up and grabbed Harry's guitar.

Mitch: "Exactly."

Harry looked at Mitch questioning his action as Mitch wanted to hand him the guitar.

Harry: "I don't know I don't feel like it to be honest."

Mitch sat down next to him.

Mitch: "You don't have to do this but I think it would help."

Harry took the guitar and started to play some simple chords. As he wanted to start singing but a sob was the only thing that escaped his mouth.

Mitch: "Just take a deep breath."

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