Chapter 14

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Astrid POV

I walk into the club to do a scope out of the club and it was loud really loud. People were dancing and having fun and overall enjoying themselves.

There was a dance floor in the middle a D.J. at the back of the dance floor. To the left there was a sound proof wall then a small dinner for quiet meals. To the right of the dance floor there was a bar we're the teens could buy sodas.

Steppin' our by Joe Jackson  was playing at the dance floor people that weren't dancing were singing which surprised me because I had never heard before but I liked the flow of the words.

Then the teen himself walks out of the offices wearing a suit.

I walk up to him to ask why his parents would open a club when they are already well of.

I walk up to him.

Hey Hiccup.

Astrid, it's good to see you.

Hiccup I'm sorry about what happened at school he forced himself on me.

Astrid you don't have to explain it's fine I knew somewhere inside me you didn't feel the same way.

But Hiccup you don't understand I do feel the same way.

You do?

Of course your everything I want in a boyfriend your funny, smart, and really cute.

What about sarcastic and scrawny?

I like those too.

Well then Astrid will you be my girlfriend.

I would love to Hiccup.

O Hiccup before I forget why did your parents open up a club y'all are already well off.

Ya about that Astrid they didn't I did.

Sorry about the wait readers I had a lot on my mind with the start of school and being able to see my friends. Even if the corona virus is out there. I really am going to try and finish this book and then start a new one.

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