Broken spell part 2

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We're all at Rootcore trying to learn more about our magic when all of a sudden Claire comes in

"There's trouble in the forest."Claire shouts worriedly.

"Trouble where?"Udonna asks.

"In the village."Claire responds.

"Lets go rangers."Nick says to all of us.

At the village

We all get to the village to see a strange gold and purple warrior standing before us

"I got a bad feeling about this."Maddie says nervously.

Udonna observes the purple and gold warrior and then speaks to him.

"I do not know you warrior,"she realizes."But if it's a battle you want,I am ready to fight!"

"Hold on,"Xander tells her and I roll my eyes at the young man."Let me try to reason with him."

I sigh wondering when that guy will ever learn.

"Yeah because it worked so well with his goons,"I tell Xander ready to fight if necessary.

"Hi!"Xander says ignoring me and approaching the warrior."The names Xander."

The warrior places his sword back into his shield.

"I am Koragg,"He says and I wonder why he hasn't attacked yet."The knight wolf!"

He then turns away from all of us and begins to chant.

"UNDAY VEGOR CATASTROS!"He yells and a horse like zord appears from a spell seal."Ride up from your depth!"

"Not good!"I say.

"So much for reasoning,"Xander says frightened.


I am shocked when Koragg combines with the zord to make a centaur.

"Power of the centaur!"Koragg yells and I growl.

"Centaur!"Chip says amazed as he looks up."A real Centaur.I want one!"

I just give him a look that makes him quite down.

Koragg in centaur mode lands and we see he has a spear like weapon now in one hand and his shield and sword in the other.

"You are now just pebbles under my hooves,"Koragg says to us.

He rears up on the back legs and everyone except for me and Udonna cry out in shock.

"Get back!"Udonna says."You are not ready to fight his kind!"

"Udonna you can't fight him alone,"I say but she just shakes her head to tell me to stay out of it.

"I am ready!"She says sounding like she is trying to convince herself as well as me.

"There's no problem here!"Xander says and I glare at him."He's all yours!"

"Xander please shut up!"I say.


She morphs.

"White Mystic Ranger!"She then raises her snow staff to the sky."GOBIN MYSTO TRIVIEARL!"

She grew to megazord size and Koragg turns to face her.

"I'm ready!"Koragg says.

"Energy of light!"Udonna says and begins to blast Koragg with bright white light."FIRE!"

He blocks it all with his shield.

"Darkness destroys light!"Koragg states.

I want to do something but what could I do?I can't fight something that big.

light in the dark(a power rangers mystic force fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now