Unknown Caller: AtsumuXHinata

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The sound of a key being forced into a lock rattled around the room filling the empty air with a startling metallic clunk, an irritated grunt following as the doorknob jolted but refused to turn.

The thirty seconds of struggling felt like thirty years of embarrassment as the door still refused to work properly.

"Hinata~" A muffled voice practically grinned with amusement, "Do you need help there?"

The voice seemed to be trying its best not to succumb to the overwhelming urge to burst out laughing, but failed with the suppressed snickers that filled the hallway.

"Shut up!" The struggling stopped for a moment as Hinata stuttered, the tips of his ears burning bright red as he glared sideways at the man beside him.

Atsumu sighed, that slight smirk still on his face as he pushed Hinata aside, ignoring the tiny pounding of fists on his back and the, 'Idiot I said I can do it!'s' that hounded him as he easily pushed the key into the lock, turning and opening the door effortlessly.

His smug grin and eyebrow raise only infuriated Hinata more as he stomped into the dark room.

"Stupid Atsumu, I said I could do it," he grumbled as he threw his bag on the floor, flopping on the bed with a happy sigh as the blankets fluffed up with the impact.

"It's so nice to finally be home!" He beamed as he rubbed his face on the pillows, his previous frustration completely forgotten as he took in the softness of the sheets.

"At least take a shower before jumping on the bed like that."

A voice loomed over him as Hinata glanced up from the bed, a smile on his face that made Miya's heart leap into his throat.

"You don't get to tell me that Atsumu," Hinata laughed, reaching up towards him with his arms wide open.

That unspoken air of, 'Come here,' practically singing its way throughout the room as he smiled up at him.

Atsumu huffed in defeat, that sparkling look on his face as his arms opened towards him- And only to him- God it made him feel so weak.

Without a word he grabbed hold of Hinata, hugging him as his body practically overshadowed Shouyou's.

"We've been so busy lately I can't remember the last time we were able to just lay like this," Hinata said happily, adjusting himself so his face was buried in the crook of Miya's neck.

Atsumu chuckled, his heartbeat vibrating into Hinata's chest causing a faint blush to form on his face.

"You're something special Shouyou."

The sudden use of his first name caused Hinata to jolt in surprise as his face heated up.

Atsumu shifted, using his arms to prop himself above him, their faces inches apart as he looked down on Hinata with a sly smile.

"What?" He questioned innocently with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "Something wrong Shouyou?~"

Again Hinata's face flushed a dark red as he tried covering his cheeks with his hands, peeking out from behind his fingers as Atsumu felt a happy pang in his chest.

"Idiot," Hinata stuttered, trying to avoid Atsumu's intense gaze but to no avail, "Mi-"

Before he could say his name Shouyou was cut off by the sudden feeling of something warm colliding with his lips, a soft happiness bubbling in his chest as his hands traveled up to Atsumu's neck.

His finger's snuck their way under the collar of his jersey, fiddling with the tag as he pulled him closer.

Atsumu could feel Hinata's uneven breaths on his face, the warmth making him greedy as he let his weight settle on top of Shouyou, enjoying the gentle heat that crawled along his neck and the rise and fall of the body underneath him.

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