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Black Sheep immediately lunges for me, dipping the tip of her weapon into my shoulder.

I wince but recover fairly quickly, dodging the next few attacks she threw at me. She was very skillful, though, because I hardly managed to get any hits in- she countered then all.

We moved like mirrored reflections for a while, our bodies jumping and swiping in unexpected sync.

The silence of the classroom demonstrated how absorbed the rest of the students were in watching our fight that they decidedly stopped focusing on their own.

I grunted, swinging out one leg and whacking it into Black Sheep's abdomen.

She let out a huff as her body was nearly knocked to the ground in surprise.

I spun the stick around on the tip of my fingers, approaching her in what I thought to be a very obvious maneuver. That was the point. To feign a move that your attacker can foresee and then spit in their face with a new movement that knocks their socks off.

I slowly walk towards her, feinting a swing into the side of her head. Naturally she was careful to guard the vulnerable part I looked as if I were targeting.

Black Sheep jumped forward, turning her head so I would miss the first hit.

Except I wasn't aiming for the left side of her skull, like it would be assumed I was.

I move my clublike weapon and smack it squarely in her exposed face with as much energy as I could muster in myself.

She made a strange half shriek, half grunting noise and crashed to the ground in a tangled heap. Her legs clashed with one another and her face planted forwards on the hard concrete making up the flooring.

With a smile dragging over the curves of my face, I lower myself onto my knees and offer Black Sheep an outstretched hand in assistance.

At first, she hardly gave it a second thought, but I held my stare, trying to convey genuine sportsmanship through my actions.

She shrugged and grabbed onto it, and I pulled her up. "You were good," I congratulate her. "Maybe work on realizing feint attacks when they come, though," I add jokingly.

"Parrot has a point, Black Sheep," Shadowsan's drawling voice came from our sides this time.

We turn around in unison and meet his cold, mysterious gaze. You never knew what Shadowsan was thinking about. He had an amazing poker face.

It's not a requirement for VILE students, but they claim it's a good talent to acquire- ensuring your face is clear and void of any sort of emotion that people could use to judge you. I had mastered the poker face a long, long time ago. It's really something that you use in your day to day life, if you think about it.

"Take this demonstration as an example," Shadowsan continued his droning. "Do not assume that what your opponent seems to be attempting is what they will, in fact, try on you. Class is dismissed."

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