「❶❹」"Ah yes. Casually Murdering Someone-"

Start from the beginning

"I- (Y/n)! What did I tell you about saying stuff like that?! It's private- And hugging is not the first step!" He whisper-yelled, looking around to make sure no one heard what you just said.

We don't want a repeat of what happened last time you said that word.

"Are you sure- cause I'm pretty sure it is."

"No it's not!"

"Is too."

"Is not!"

Oh Jesus you're enjoying this more then you should be.

"Oh yeah? Then what is it?" You cocked an eyebrow, enjoying the annoyed flustered expression he was wearing. Hehehehe. So easy.

"It's stroking their h-!" He suddenly slapped both hands over his mouth, looking mortified that he almost said it out loud.

Damn, almost had 'em.

"Stroking? Stroking what?" You crackled as Branch turned darker, looking like he'll pass out from how embarrassed he is.

"N-nothing! I didn't say anything!" He exclaimed, turning away from you and trying to speed walk away from his embarrassment. Only to squeak- I mean, let out a noise of surprise, when he was lifted off the ground by the back of his vest, his hair instinctively wrapping around one of the fingers holding him. "W-what are you doing?!"

"Phff- you wanted a hug, right?" He unwrapped his hair from her finger when he was placed on her other hand. "Not sure how that's gonna work, buuuut oh well." She seemed uncertain as she brought him closer to her shoulder, and gently held him, her hand completely covering his body, the warmth of her skin seeping through his clothes as he awkwardly pressed the side of his face against her shoulder, along with his outstretched arms...

'Holy shit, this is awkward, why didn't I just tell him to hug my fingers or something?' Her single braincell decided to make itself known, before going back to smoke crack in the corner of her mind.

"Hey (Y/n)?" Branch said quietly from where he was pressed to your shoulder, and you could slightly feel one of his hands rubbing along one of the bones in your shoulder that he could reach.

Oh shit this is weird.

"Uh, yeah?" You awkwardly replied, not sure when the hug should end. Fuck, you have no clue.

Little did you know, since Branch was so close to you right now, he could feel the vibrations of your voice through his body, and it was a weird feeling to him. "I uh..." He paused, seeming to struggle with whatever he was trying to say.

The party going on around the both of you seemed to fade into the background.

"I just wanted to... to say... to ask... uh..."

You could feel the faint feeling of his hand trying to tighten its grip on your shoulder... which is kinda hard to do since he was so damn small.

.. maybe this is awkward for him too?

Cause this is definitely awkward for you.

... Shit. This is too much. You might die if this continues.

You slowly began removing your hand from Branch's back, allowing him to pull away from you...

... did he just hesitate?

Nah, you're just on drugs.

He stood back on your hand and took a deep breath, the flush on his face seemed to have died down a bit, but it was still there. "I just wanted to say..." He looked you in the eye... and sighed, looking away. "I-I just wanted to say... Thank you. For coming to save us."

"Eh? But I didn't do shit." You chuckled, lowering the teal Troll back onto the table, where he slowly stepped off.

"But you could have not come, and you tried... that's all that matters." He smiled gently up at you, looking way too sincere.

"Okayyy- oh hey, you should probably go join the party before they leave you." You pointed out, wanting this strangely serious conversation to be over.

He looked back at the migrating party, then back to you. "Are you going to join in?"

You shrugged. "Nah, but I'll follow."

And with that, he ran back to join the fray, busting out some dance moves in the front and singing with Poppy, looking like they were all having the time of their lives. You sluggishly got out of your chair and began to follow the party outside...

And it was a blur from there.

Everyone ended up in the middle of town in front of a dead tree that for some reason magically sprouted leaves, and then Poppy was crowned Queen, and you had to stop yourself from questioning why she was queen when King Peppy was still alive- this isn't your world, shit's different I guess.

Then Poppy and Branch got rocketed into the sky on a mushroom... just think about that sentence for a second- and then that stoner cloud dude came falling out of the sky... yeah, this whole deal was a acid trip- and don't get me started on the streets suddenly blowing up with colors.

Once everything calmed down, you finally began to wonder how you'll get back to your world- cause you have no clue on how you got here, the only logical answer would be that you're having the best trip of your life, but no one drugged you...


Fuck, why are you so popular?!

You looked down to see Poppy staring up at you with excitement, like she had something she had to say right at this very moment or she'll die.

You didn't even get to say anything before she was suddenly posing with her hands in the air. "You should come to Troll Village with us! We could all have a sleepover! The ultimate slumber party!" She was dancing on her feet at this point, and there were multiple gasps at the sound of an ultimate slumber party... and then they all started joining in.


"Oh I love slumber parties!"

"You should come!"

"Yeah (Y/n)! Come have a slumber party with us!"

... Not like you had anything better to do...


"YEAH!" They all interrupted you, jumping around and dancing.

"Ceeeeeeelebrate! Good times! Come on!"

Oh shit, they're breaking into song again.

"Come on, it's faster if I walk there then however the fuck you guys got here." You grunted, watching as all the Trolls clambering onto you, in your pockets, on your arms, and Poppy was on one shoulder, and Branch on the other...

And with that, you made your way out of town and into the forest, with Branch giving you directions when you'd almost take a wrong turn, and regretting giving them all a ride when they wouldn't stop singing.

And that's how this story ends, with the Trolls driving (Y/n) to the brink of insanity and nearly doing the stop-drop-and-roll when the ding that makes even Satan quake went off...

But she endured the torture as she walked off into the sunset.


So this is the end of this book, and you all want a book 2, so I shall provide! Not sure when the first chapter will be posted, I need to get my ideas in order! I'm also open to ideas (the only thing I won't do is make reader a Troll, maybe as a one-shot, but not for the main story)

Also, Branch is now a love interest, if you didn't get the hints when he was struggling with his words during that awkward hug~
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also also, I've got some ideas for things that wouldn't fit in the main story, so I was wondering if you guys want me to write these ideas up and post them as one-shots in this book since the main plot is over?

See you guys in the next book!

Foreigners of Humanity (Trolls x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now