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I grabbed tighter onto Rhys as we plummeted through the swirls of deep blue and black, I shut my eyes at the sudden bright light and a second later we hit the ground. Rhys jumped to his feet and pulled me up with him. We were in a garden surrounded by no less than two dozen guards, my mate tensed beside me. But after a closer inspection most of them were human and only eight of them were fae. That's strange. What are the humans and fae doing together?

Then I noticed the enormous castle built out of grey stones beyond them. It was no less than five times taller than the Town House. The doors leading into the castle were at least four meters tall, made out of oak wood and extravagantly decorated with gold.

'Who are you?' One of the guards asked stepping forward, he was one of the humans.
'I am Rhysand and that's Feyre.' Rhys told him.
'Where are you from?' He asked as if fae falling out of swirls of blue and black was a normal occurrence here.
'The Night Court.' My mate informed him, the guard looked confused.
'Shackle them.' He ordered his men and two of them came towards us with Iron shackles.

Don't fight them, there's more of them than us we don't have a chance against them in a fight and we will need their help to get back home. Rhys said through the mating bond.
What if they throw us to a prison? I asked.
They are using Iron shackles we will be able to get out. He assured me.

We let them put the shackles on us and as they did my magic went silent. I tried talking to Rhys through our bond but there was nothing, I looked at Rhys and he seemed calm but I could tell he was panicking too.
'What are you going to do with us?' Rhys asked the guard who didn't bother to answer as they pulled us inside the castle. Fear was growing in the pit of my stomach as they pulled us through the hallways to cauldron knows where. Despite the situation we were in I couldn't stop myself from noticing how beautiful the castle was the design of it and the coordination of the colours in the furniture and decorations. There were many paintings on the walls framed with gold, they were some of the most beautiful painting I have ever seen but we were walking to fast for me to properly study them.

We walked for about five minutes and we still didn't see even half of the castle but we got to a set of double doors no smaller that ten feet tall. There were two guards standing by the door they looked at the guard who talked to Rhys and I outside before opening the doors for us, the guards at our backs pushed us in.

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