chapter two

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He closed the curtains, and fell onto his bed, he calmed down and thought about what had just happended. He heard aunt Mimi come up the stairs, he locked his door. Now he was alone and ready to process what Paul had just done to him. "I thought we were just friends" he said to himself

He looked down at the ceiling, vividly remembering the scene.

Him and Paul were together, talking about the latest rock n roll magazine while writing a song at the same time. John had worn his special pink sexy kitty underwear that day and well, Paul had noticed. Paul kept staring at the pink lace peaking out of his trousers, he had thought John would've worn something more modest like, I don't know... A diaper. It was a sign of good friendship to be able to wear diapers together, Paul was wearing his nappy that day and he felt somewhat betrayed.

"where's your diaper..." Paul asked
John could sense the betrayal in his voice. Paul didn't let things like this off too easily.
"Oh p-paul, I just... I'm abit old for nappies now..."
John looked as if he had just stole something from a shop and had been caught.
"P-paul N-no i-" John said nervously, John liked to wear sexy kitty princess undies for Paul, even if he couldn't fully see them, it was his secret.

In all of a sudden Paul has grabbed the tops of the panties and gave John a big wedgie.
"PAUL!" John squealed
He then proceeded to unbutton John's trousers. John wasn't ready for this. John kicked Paul and ran for it. His trousers were about to fall down but he managed to pull them above his undies as he ran out the door and back home.

"oh god no I've got to go meet the guys right now at the cavern, how am I gonna handle this???" John said as he changed clothes.
He then met the rest of the band at the local cinema where he was standing with George and Ringo.
"Maybe we can leave without Paul today huh???" John asked hoping for a yes
"You wanna leave without your princess Paulie? Peachy Paulie??" George asked
"Yes- NO shut up George!" John said as he punched George's arm.
"Ouch, I'm gonna get a bruise y'know"
Then John looked down the road, he could see Paul walking up with a sweet look, a look oh so Innocent.
"Hey John!" Paul said so casually.
John was left speechless.
"alright lads let's get going, we dont want to lose any pennies now do we?" Said ringo
(End of flashback)

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