SNAP: The World Unfolds

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A flash of hurt surfaced in Jean-Louis’s eyes for a second, then he pulled slightly back.

“You’re going to have to stop doing that,” his tone was miffed.  “I was only going to give you a good night kiss.  I think you need to sleep.”

After a deep breath, I managed, “You’ll have to give me some time.  This is still way beyond my comfort zone.”

Lisbet had pulled some sleepwear from a drawer and said, “Did you want a bath?  I could draw one for you.”

“No, I’m just going to bed.” I turned to Jean Louis, who was slightly glimmering.  “Good night, I’ll see you later.”

He gave me a puzzled look.  “We don’t get up very early around here, but there are a few people coming tomorrow—both your kind and our kind—so there will be food available beginning about noon.  Most of us will be up and indoors in the early evening.  Drinks will be at 8 with a formal dinner later.  We’ll screen two or three of the shows—L.A., Paris, maybe Rio—followed by a business meeting.”  He nodded at me and let himself out.

I turned to say something to Lisbet who was looking at the spot he’d occupied with longing.  Here was an interesting wrinkle.  Did she want him?  Maybe she was an old lover.  Hell, maybe she was a current lover.  I wasn’t sure quite how to ask the question but I finally blurted out, “Are you a vampire, too?”

She jumped at my voice.  “No.  My family has worked for the Baron for more than 150 years,” she said.  “A long time ago he offered to give one of us eternal life, but we’re Catholics and know we have it anyway.  We’ve stayed loyal to him...well, there was an uncle, or grand-uncle, about a hundred years ago.  He disappeared, and no one was ever sure what happened to him.  Some say he was killed in a hunting accident, some said he moved away and some said he’d taken up an offer to be an acolyte.”

“Acolyte.  That’s an odd word.  The Baron used it earlier.”

“It’s what the Baron calls those who are chosen,” she explained.  “My family always wears crucifixes, just so nobody misunderstands.”  She pulled a small gold one on a fine chain out from her blouse.  “Will you be warm enough?  I can bring you some coffee and rolls when you wake up, just pull this cord.  How do you like it?”

“That would be great.  Black, please.”

She went out, softly closing the door, and I was alone for the first time in almost 48 hours.  It was 3 a.m.  The room was silent.  My mind was clamoring.  Did I want to stay in this strange new world?  I could quit SNAP and get another job fairly easily.  It wouldn’t have the cachet, perks or Lord knows the money, but it would be on familiar ground. 

I got into bed, turned off the lights and closed my eyes.  Safety.  Having a routine.  Understanding my job and doing it well.  Making friends with co-workers.  Giving dinner parties.  It was a complete life and the life I’d thought I was leading.  Hah.  I was really out in the deep end now, swimming as fast as I could with no land in sight.   The water was salty, though, and I was aware I could float.  It would support me and keep me beautifully afloat as long as I didn’t struggle.   Floundering around and lashing out pulled my head under water and made me choke.  If I stayed calm and swam carefully, I would be comfortable and make headway.

And maybe the fins I saw were dolphins, not sharks.

I dreamt.  Hands were trying to hold me as I hung out over an abyss.  I shouted at them to pull me back.  Several of them let go and I was falling.  But I was falling up.  I could see the land and the canyon growing smaller as I rose, becoming part of a much larger landscape.  I stopped rising and began to waft over the land, occasionally coming down in some soft oasis, sometimes touching the tops of dark forests with wolves howling in the night.  The forests were terrifying, which made the oases unbelievable warm and cocooning so I tried to find them. I reached out to put my arms around the next oasis and smiled.

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