You have only been away for two weeks and I am already losing my mind, from losing you.

please write to me, love


Mila finished reading and looked behind the paper, where there was no lettering. "He was sent to war" Luke spoke as he looked out at the city, Mila nodded. "1915, that's... world war one" Luke continued, Mila nodded and handed him the next letter, he bit his lip and opened it.

"Seems like the two of them were married" Mila spoke as she looked at him. He began reading the letter, taking a deep breath before doing so.

My dearest, Mary

I have first opened your letter, hearing from you made my smile brighter than the moon. I miss you so much, your lettering made me cry, I laid in my bunk for hours thinking about your smell and smile. I felt childish, but my thoughts belonged to you.

However it made my heartache, I hope my letter will mean as much to you as yours meant to me. Please remember we are only separated for a time, and I promise it won't belong.

I wish I could explain how it is here, every place feels and looks the same. Nothing but rocks, pine trees, and running streams. I try to focus, but my mind belongs to you, how I miss your morning kisses, and always look so beautiful.

I can't wait to come back.

This will be all I can write for now, but soon you will hear from me again my love.

I will give you a world of love


Mila took a deep breath as she licked her lips. "They must have loved each other very much" She whispered, he nodded as he looked at the small stack of letters, he put his hand on hers, which was placed on the next letter.

"We can stop reading if you think they are too personal" He looked at her, yet she shook her head with a small smile. "Someone deserves to know their story" With this she took the next letter and read it out loud.

My dearest Joseph 

You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I have ever had. No matter what must happen, you are the love of my life.

I received words from the hospital, you will be a father to a son. If something was to happen to you, your name will become his and I will cherish him with all my love.

but... please come home.


I never thought we would come this far, I never believed my life would be filled with love from someone like you, and to birth, your legacy will become mine.

please my Joseph, come home be safe and write to me as soon as you can

your love will be in my heart


"She was pregnant" Mila nodded as Luke spoke, he shook his head and took the next letter, they both had a weird feeling in their stomachs, yet as Luke read the next letter, they listened to each other, one letter at a time, and as time passed by, they got down to the last.

"You ready?" She asked as she opened the letter shaking his head. "The last letter," He said before she read it out loud, her hand slid into his as she moved closer, putting her head on his shoulder.

My dearest, Joseph

I have not received a letter for weeks. The news tells me about Canada, is it true?

You and your soldiers must be safe, I pray to God every night that you are alive, that you will come home to me and your son, he looks like you.

Joseph, please come home, show me a sign, I need to know that you are alright. I worry every night, you have only been gone for a couple of months, but please tell me you survived-

Mila stopped reading as a tear rolled down her cheek. "He died... " She whispered, Luke, nodded slowly. "He can't just die!" Mila almost yelled as she sat up straight looking at the letter. "What about his son? What about Mary?" She looked at Luke who didn't know what to say, he thought since there were both sides of the letter, that he had survived, but the last showed differently.

"It was a dark time Mila, not everyone had a happy ending" He answered and took the last letter putting it back in the envelope. "No but...this can't be their legacy, it just... can't... they can't" Mila felt her heartbreak for the people who were strangers, her tears kept rolling down her cheeks as she spoke.

"They loved each other, and what about their son? They were starting a family" Luke stood up and didn't say anything as he pulled her into a hug, she froze up as he did, the smell of peppermint calmed her down as she stopped crying, hugging him back.

"Look at the last names... they weren't married... " He whispered, as he pulled back wiping away her tears.

"He didn't survive but their love moved on in these letters," He said with a small smile as he looked into her eyes, she smiled softly: "It's their legacy" He nodded slowly.

Even with her messy hair and her pajamas clothes, she pulled him in with her eyes, he looked from them to her lips, which made Mila take a step back, her heart turning into butterflies.

"I should go... it's getting late" Which she was right about, they had sat on the hill for hours and the sun was already about to set, she smiled gently to him as they walked up to their bikes, Luke was quiet.

"I'll follow you home," He said softly, which was the last thing they said before driving, the letters kept repeating in their minds, the perfect imperfect non-happy love. After some minutes, they were in front of the Garcia house, Mila took off her helmet and looked at Luke as he did the same.

"Even though they had a sad ending, their love was still beautiful," Mila said as she looked at him, he nodded and took a step closer to her, putting a hair behind her ear as he smiled at her. "Death doesn't mean the end"

Mila smiled shyly, before leaning up and kissing his cheek, which made Luke have a small tint of red in his cheeks.

"Thank you... for everything" She whispered before walking over to her front door, he smiled at her, and they both waved.

As she walked into her house with a stomach of butterflies, and he put on his helmet with a heart beating faster and faster in his chest.

before the pain | luke (JATP)Where stories live. Discover now