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Avalon’s visit at his house was short, neither of them really wanting to spend more time than necessary in each other’s company. She didn’t think it was possible to dislike someone in such a short amount of time, but alas, that boy, Leo, made it possible.

They walked through the tall grassy field, each blade of grass tickling Avalon’s shins and each gust of wind reminding her of her nakedness. Sometimes Leo would glance back at her and she would cover her stomach with her arms, attempting to protect her dignity. But when he looked away she let her hands run over the bushes of beautiful flowers scattered throughout the field. Eventually the temptation became too overpowering and she picked one, placing it too her nose.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Leo exclaimed, storming over to her.

“Uhh, I was just, I…”

Avalon felt scared as he approached her; unsure of what she did wrong. He snatched the flower off her and sat it back on the bush.

“You can’t just pick other people’s flowers!”

Wow, he’s really protective of his flowers.

“It’s only a flower…” she mumbled.

“No, it’s not! You wouldn’t understand.”

Avalon felt bad, her actions had obviously upset him.

“I’m sorry Leo, I didn’t know…”

He said nothing and continued walking, so Avalon followed suit. They arrived at the back patio to Leo’s mansion and Avalon suddenly realised that there could be other people in the house. She did not need more than one person seeing her naked for the day, so she shyly whispered,

“Uhh, Leo, is there, uh, anyone else inside… because, well, what will they think…”

He simply turned around and purposely looked at her naked body, making her feel even more uncomfortable. Then he said,

“It’s not like you’ll draw any attention,” and opened the door leading into his more than humble abode.

Tears smarted in Avalon’s eyes and she tried to blink them away as she followed him inside, replaying his awful comment inside her head. He was holding a grudge because of her picking the flower she realised. All she wanted to do was get some clothes and get out of there.

After arriving in a large space, in which she assumed, was one of the many living rooms, he told her to wait there. She stood in the exact spot for several minutes, examining the light cream walls and high ceilings, with the delightful chandeliers dangling exquisitely, before spotting several photos hanging on a wall. He said to wait here, in this room, not specifically in this spot. She gingerly crept towards the dozen frames, not wanting to make too much noise or knock an invaluable item, as a house like this is surely likely to have.

When she was finally standing in front of the frozen memories, she giggled. What a cute little boy he was. Upon hearing footsteps she joked,

“You were such a cute little boy, what happened?”

She heard a sigh and then,

“He could at least have the dignity to get you girls some clothes.”

Avalon turned around to see a lady in her twenties, hair tied into a tight bun, wearing crisp and clean business attire. Avalon didn’t know what to say, nor to think. Girls? What does she mean ‘girls’?

“Ah, Felicity, I see you’ve met… Avalon was it?” The beast returns.

Avalon nodded her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2012 ⏰

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