The Bullet

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I know many people don't know the first thing to do in a situation where you see someone die right before your eyes. I know some people would just panic and scream. I know some people would just stand and watch. I know the thoughts that would run through these people's minds. "Lord help us." "Oh shit!" "Someone just do something."

I know that some people afterwards would wish they did something more. I know that people afterwards would stare at the person that once was with so much pity, hurt, confusion, sympathy, and sadness. I know people then go into blaming themselves. They then go into blaming the world. And then blaming the person who just died for dying. And I know that people do all that because its their way of dealing with it.

The saying 'we are only human', it comes from just that, and more. Cause the things that we do, make us just that... Human.

But apparently there is a thin line between being human and inhuman.

Murder, its inhumane, yet its how we live. With wars raging. Terrorists attacking. This is how people live, but its not being 'only human'. They become a criminal fighting for what they believe in.

So when I threw myself in front of someone that means the world to me, who was inhuman in everyone else's eyes, I instantly became just that... Inhuman. Saving a killers life by jumping in front of a bullet flying from one murder to another. I just couldn't watch one man die.

Whilst everyone was stood screaming, being in silence and thinking all of those thoughts that people do, I became a hero in a way, but also an outcast to the humane. When the bullet hit me I knew I was dying. That this was my shining moment.

To die is an awfully big adventure. Where time stands still, and everything around becomes enhanced, to remember your last few seconds. Where you feel yourself slowly slipping and falling, yet you're not afraid. Its when the darkness and light starts taking over into the battle of your fate. Even when there's things rushing in one time, all you can see are mouths moving yet you can't hear a single sound. Its peaceful. Nothing can harm me now.

The man I just jumped in front of? My big brother. My brother who just got back out of prison because he wasn't the killer of the drug dealer that was also his best friend. But everyone still looks at him like he's inhuman.

The real killer; a drug lord. Angry, because they found out it was him. He stole a cops gun and shot a blooming bullet through my chest... And this is where I died. I died in the arms of the only family that I truly had. In the arms of my big brother was the best way I could ever get the chance to die. I saved his life. And I am now his hero, just like he will always be mine.

I never was one who belonged in this world. All I want is to go away. I know that this was the right fate for me. I know that going away was safe and away from this mess. I know that up there is where I belong. Even if I leave all I have behind, I'm putting them out of their misery as well as my own. Saving the one person I love dearly, so he can be happy.

"Stay with me Katie." He kept repeating to me. "The ambulance will be here soon. You'll be fixed up in no time. Back to the same old clumsy you." Its like he knew it was my time to go. My time to finally shine. "Don't you dare close those eyes. I need you baby sis. You can't leave me yet." Oh, but I had too. I would have loved to stay. I would have loved to have to not go; but something big was calling to me.

I can't just sit around and let someone destroy everything I love. I can't just let the music end without a beginning. I must end my own story for another to begin. To show them the light I'm seeing now. There's no reason to be kept in the dark. To be left without a torch to shine the path. Roads lead to places and even when its the end, a new one begins.

Time heals the wounds and bends the future. It gives us things to both die and live for. It gives us that little bit of breather we need. Helps us with the mistakes we've made and gives us enough to help others as well as ourselves.

"You will always be my hero, big bro. I love you so much."

Those were the last words I said. The last words that I could utter. And then black. Just pure black. There was no where to go. No bright light, just darkness. This is the emptiness I have never felt. There was nothing here to help me. I was now drifting into the depths of nothing.

Thoughts clouded around me and the sound of beeping ringing in my ears. I can hear the cries and the screams of people around me. The sobs of my brother becoming louder and louder. Him screaming to for everyone to go away. But I was still in this bitter sweet darkness. The only truth of what's beyond. ... Pure and absolute nothing. I guess I could count the stars in my mind, but even then, there's nothing to do.

And that's where one story ends and another begins...

How To Save A Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें